Through the Deep Waters

Through the Deep Waters by Kim Vogel Sawyer

Book: Through the Deep Waters by Kim Vogel Sawyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Vogel Sawyer
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been run over by a wagon wheel when he was eleven.
    She pushed aside thoughts of the egg man and trailed Mr. Irwin past a pair of closed doors where guests had been sitting a half hour ago, past a lunch counter where the smell of bacon and yeasty bread still lingered, and then up a narrow flight of enclosed stairs that emptied into a long hallway well lit by gas lamps on both sides. He led her to the last door on the left and pointed to the number six painted in gold on the center panel.
    “You will share this room with our other chambermaid. She’s working right now so I will introduce the two of you later. Her name is Ruthie Mead—a fine young woman. She’s been employed here at the Clifton for more than a year and will be able to explain the cleaning procedures to you. Since youtraveled all night, Mrs. Walters recommended allowing you today to rest and begin your duties tomorrow.” He didn’t seem very happy about letting her rest. He pulled a key from his pocket, unlocked the door, then handed the key to her. “Don’t lose that.”
    Dinah curled her fist around the brass key and stepped over the threshold. She dropped her bag on the carpeted floor and glanced at her new home. Although cheery with lace curtains at the windows and flowered paper on the walls, the room was barely large enough to hold the double iron bed, wardrobe, bureau, dressing table, and washstand. She would share this small space with someone else? When the interviewer had mentioned room and board, Dinah envisioned a room of her own. Another expectation dashed.
    “Come to my office this afternoon after you’ve had a chance to rest a bit and we’ll find uniforms to fit you. While employed by the Clifton, you’re to wear a uniform at all times, even when away from the hotel. You represent the Clifton and will conduct yourself with decorum or risk dismissal.” The man’s scowl never faded.
    Trepidation tiptoed across her scalp. Was he still angry about finding her on the porch, or did he disapprove of her for some other reason?
    “We also expect our employees to be tidy, so if one uniform becomes soiled, you need to change it immediately. Take your soiled items to the basement washroom. Laundresses are always on duty and will see to your needs, so there’s no excuse not to have a clean uniform at your disposal at all times.”
    Accustomed to doing her own wash, Dinah silently celebrated this piece of news.
    “Now, Miss Hubley, I must return to my office. At noon feel free to sit at the counter and order a plate. I’ll alert the lunch-counter staff of your arrival.” He turned and departed.
    Dinah closed the door, paused for a moment, and then turned the lock. The other chambermaid should already have a key, but she didn’t want anyone else walking in on her unannounced. It took only a few minutes to put away her belongings. With the money Miss Flo had given her, Dinah had purchased three simple calico dresses—one of which she now wore—shoes, stockings,and underclothes. She’d always gotten by with little and could continue to do so. Something had to stay the same after everything that had changed.
    She started to stretch out on the bed for a nap—she’d hardly slept on the rocking train last night. But the bed was made so neatly—the sheets pulled taut and the bright patchwork quilt centered perfectly on the mattress—she hated to muss it. And she couldn’t determine which side the other chambermaid had already claimed. So instead of lying down on the bed, she settled herself on the floor in the corner behind the wardrobe, rested her head against the wall, and promptly fell asleep.

    Ruthie Mead hummed as she made her way to the staff’s sleeping quarters. Despite having been hard at work for nearly five hours already, her steps were light, her spirits high. Today the new chambermaid would arrive! She couldn’t wait to meet her new friend. For she was certain she and the new girl would become fast friends, just as she

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