Tiger by the Tail
that he didn’t even know who had done this to him—but he was damn sure gonna find out. No one destroyed his operation and sent him running into the night without paying for it!
    The whore was piloting the boat while Tony and his lieutenant scanned for signs of pursuit. She had indicated that she could handle it when he’d asked with his pistol, leaving him and his man free to watch the surrounding ocean.
    Tony’s gaze returned to the olive-green box on the floor of the twenty-five-foot boat, which he had anchored among the huge mangroves that grew on the island’s north side, perfectly camouflaging it. They’d carried the box along a hidden trail he had carved out himself, narrowly missing another team that had been coming in from the west side, lead by a giant, masked man dressed in black with a huge fucking gun in his hands. Seeing him had let Tony know that whoever had come for him and his crew definitely wasn’t local, which puzzled him. Who the fuck are those guys? Private ship security out for payback? Mercenaries hired by the Indonesian government?
    “ Pemimpin! ” Yeung’s man, who had also been watching the island through a pair of night-vision binoculars, pointed due south. “ Kami yang diikuti! ”
    Grabbing the glasses from the other man, Tony scanned the waters to the south and saw a larger boat rapidly approaching. “ Taik! ” He tossed the binoculars back and grabbed his AK-47. “Faster!”
    Their boat leaped ahead, but it was obvious that they weren’t going to outrun their pursuers. No matter , Tony thought as he knelt at the rear of the crew compartment and waited for their enemy to come within range. Time to make the fuckers that destroyed my life pay!
    * * *
    “Got movement on the target.” Adams had his M4 aimed at the boat about three hundred meters away. “I think they’ve spotted us.”
    “In that case.” Mike throttled back a bit and readied the one million candlepower spotlight. “Vil, disable their engines.”
    The Keldara sighted on the stern of the boat with his M4 and squeezed the trigger. Three rounds smacked into it, and the engines immediately began to miss, then died a few seconds later.
    Shouting and automatic weapons fire began coming from the pirates’ boat, but Mike quickly swung them out of range of the AKs. “We don’t really need another boat right now, I suppose.”
    “Especially one without a working engine,” Adams replied.
    “Anyone here speak Chinese?” Mike shrugged when they all shook their heads. “Didn’t think so. I don’t even think Anastasia does. Simon?”
    “Yes, Mal?”
    “Give me a short, phonetic command to surrender in Chinese and Korean.”
    There was a brief pause before Vanner relayed the commands in both languages. Mike picked up a megaphone.
    “Drop your weapons and surrender, or we will open fire!” He repeated it in Korean, and got another volley in their general direction as the only reply.
    “Now they’re pissing me off.” Mike grabbed his M4. “Master Chief, Vil, Danes, let’s see what we all can do to persuade the good folks over there to surrender. Remember, try to take at least one of them alive.”
    “With pleasure,” Adams replied as he sighted in on the other boat. “Purple doo-rag.” He squeezed the trigger, and three hundred yards away, the man with his head covered by a purple kerchief dropped. “Only wounded. Swear.”
    “Okay, you wanna play?” Mike said as he took aim. “Receiver of the AK held by the man next to him.” He held the M4 steady, exhaled, and fired. The loud cursing drifted over the water to them as the man found himself holding a useless hunk of metal and wood.
    Over the next few minutes, the four shooters carefully and precisely wounded the opposition while taking exactly no successful return rounds. They followed this up by putting several holes into the boat’s hull. This was more difficult than it appeared, as it took a few rounds to insure that the hull was penetrated at the

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