Timberman Werebear (Saw Bears Book 3)
When he pulled away, he said, “I’m in the first event, but my heat doesn’t start for another forty-five minutes. We’re going to plan who is going to do what events and go sign up. You can stay here or go see what they have going on over there.” He pointed to a group of tents and vendors.
    She didn’t want to stand around and take Denison’s attention off what Tagan was talking low to the others about, so she jerked her chin at Brooke and Skyler and scrunched her nose, a little nervous they’d reject what she was about to propose. “Are you hungry?”
    “Starving,” Skyler said as she pulled her dark hair into a high ponytail. “I’m in an event later today, and I don’t want to eat too close to it. Let’s find some grub.”
    “I’m down for finding food,” Brooke said. “I skipped breakfast.”
    “Brooke,” Tagan admonished, suddenly looking up from the paperwork stacked on the tailgate.
    “It was too early,” Brooke explained. “If I eat that early, I’ll feel sick all day.”
    Tagan angled his head and gave Brooke a worried frown before returning to a conversation about something called a hot saw.
    “You want me to grab something for you?” Danielle asked Denison, who was still lingering beside her instead of joining his crew.
    “Yeah, just get me whatever you think sounds good. Here.” He reached in the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out his wallet.
    “No! Beer wench today,” she said. “Remember?”
    A slow smile crept across his face, exposing a dimple in his left cheek. She fought the urge to touch it. He licked his bottom lip and nodded. “Okay. If you’re paying, get me double.” He laughed and ducked out of swatting range. Quick as a snake, he leaned in and pecked her on the forehead, then jogged over and joined his crew at the back of the truck.
    Danielle giggled—giggled! Like a teen with a crush and not a twenty-four-year-old woman who was supposed to be keeping her cool about all of this. Danielle followed Brooke and Skyler toward the first tent, but looked back because she couldn’t help herself. Denison was watching her leave, and when she smiled, he winked at her and gave her a slow-simmering grin that just about locked her knees.
    That man was a charmer and a mystery, but most of all, Denny was going to wreak havoc on her hormones.
    She jogged and caught up to the girls, but when she did, Brooke lifted her hair and studied the back of her neck.
    “What are you doing?” Danielle asked, locking her legs and halting.
    “Checking for a bite mark,” Brooke said nonchalantly.
    Okay. “Like a vampire bite mark?” She hadn’t exactly believed in things-that-go-bump-in-the-night before now, but something was definitely different with Denison. His changing eyes were supernatural for sure. They were like two damned mood rings right on his face, telling her when he was pissed or turned on.
    Skyler rocked back on her heels and laughed. “No vampires around here.” She frowned. “At least, not that we know of.” She turned to Brooke and shook her head as she shoved her hands in the pockets of her jeans. “He wouldn’t bite her. Danielle’s human—”
    “Skyler!” Brooke admonished. Her eyes went round and serious, and her voice changed. Deepened as if her words held weight. “That’s enough. Good grief, do we have to censor you and Kellen now?”
    “Well, blame that on him. He talks about whatever he likes all the time, and I get used to it. Maybe you should drag us to town more often. Living in the Asheland bubble ain’t doin’ us any favors.” Skyler crossed her arms in front of her chest with a pouty frown.
    “Why would Denison bite me?” Danielle asked. “I’m assuming it isn’t just for kink.”
    “All the boys are biters. Forget I said anything,” Brooke muttered and began walking again.
    “Are you two like Denison?” Danielle tested.
    “Like Denison how?” Skyler asked, sounding too innocent.
    Well, crap, she hadn’t figured out a guess

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