Time Commander (The First Admiral Series)

Time Commander (The First Admiral Series) by William J. Benning

Book: Time Commander (The First Admiral Series) by William J. Benning Read Free Book Online
Authors: William J. Benning
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pilots. The bigger and less manoeuvrable Destroyer would fare much better as a static weapons platform rather than as a large fighter craft.
    The Eagles and Axe-Blades, having survived the volleys of weapons fire from the initial impact, rapidly descended into the free-for-all dog fight.
    Aboard the Aquarius, Billy Caudwell could see on the three-dimensional War Table image that the fighter battle would rapidly degenerate into the thousands of small personal battles for survival. It would be everyone for themselves out there amongst the hulls of the Ganthoran warships.
    The individual Eagle pilots scattered in every conceivable direction from the initial contact point, to be rapidly pursued and hunted by several Ganthoran Axe-Blade fighters. Down every lane, channel and alleyway between Ganthoran warships, the Alliance Eagles raced away, followed by Ganthoran Axe-Blades.
    Like water flowing through a series of irrigation ditches, the battle between the fighters seemed to fill every available space in the front ranks of the Ganthoran formation. Alliance Eagles would dart and weave violently to avoid the weapons fire of both pursuing Axe-Blades and also the self-defence fire of the static Destroyers. It was a murderous path for the Alliance Eagles to follow. The support from their Star Cruisers was beyond them deep in the heart of the Ganthoran formation. The Star Destroyer could continue to terrorise the flanks of the Ganthoran formation, but that was of little use to the Eagles.
    Watching from the War Table aboard Aquarius, Billy Caudwell could see the running battles between the Eagles and the Axe-Blades. In his heart of hearts, he knew that there would only be one outcome for the massively-outnumbered Eagles. Whilst, in the darkened War Room, the Staff Officers no longer stamped in appreciation of Parbe’an’s skill and daring. The Eagle losses had been rapidly mounting during the hunt between the Ganthoran warships, and now there was no cause for celebration.
    “How long until we initiate Trion Drive?” Billy asked.
    “ Another eight minutes, sir.”
    It was an answer Billy Caudwell did not want to hear. He wanted to be at the battle site giving support to the Eagle pilots who were currently fighting for their lives amidst the Ganthoran formations. Time and again, he watched some brave Eagle pilot being pursued through the twisting alleyways of the Ganthoran formation. As the pilots flew magnificently through the great metal jungle of Ganthoran warships, they would strafe the larger vessels, causing bursts of flame and metal to burst out from the hulls. They would engage the dozens of Axe-Blades pursuing them in the snarling, scratching, uneven fight. Sometimes, the Eagle would succeed in knocking down large numbers of the Ganthoran fighters, but eventually, the sheer weight of numbers would tell, and one of the Ganthorans would get a direct hit on the Eagle.
    One Eagle pilot had been especially successful, and had brought down a Ganthoran Cruiser. The pilot had been pursued by over twenty Axe-Blades through the alleyways of Ganthoran warships. With amazing courage and skill, the Eagle pilot had strafed a group of Axe-Blades who were pursuing another Eagle. His burst of pulsar-cannon fire had dispatched three Ganthoran fighters from the group, giving his comrade a few moments of breathing space. Then, with breathtaking audacity the pilot had set his own course for a Ganthoran Cruiser. With waves of Screaming Death snapping at his heels, and over twenty Axe Blades trying to destroy him, the brave Eagle pilot strafed the side of the Cruiser, and overflew the massive beast.
    Having over flown the Cruiser, the Eagle pilot swerved around to attack the Cruiser from the front.
    Running the gauntlet of weapons fire from the Cruiser, several surrounding Destroyers and the pursuing posse of Axe-Blades, the Eagle pilot sent a huge burst of rapid-fire pulsar-bolts, from all six of his cannon into the front of the Cruiser. Whether

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