Titan Rising 2 (Syalantian 2)
proud of her.
    Bev turned to Anula, "Your Highness… I mean Anula, all the arrangements have been made and your transport will be leaving early tomorrow morning."
    "What? You're not coming with us?" I felt a pang in my heart, for a woman I didn't even know two weeks ago.
    Anula had become like the sister I never had, well except for Bev of course. She'd been grooming me in the finer points of Syalantian etiquette, for the myriad of diplomatic functions Rohn and I were scheduled to attend. What was expected of me, what was frowned upon and what would work on this world or that.. We've been going over some of the languages of the very systems I would visit. At least the ones she knew. When I wasn’t snuggling up with Rohn, I was spending time with Anula. I couldn't bear the thought of her leaving so soon.
    "Why?" my voice echoed a little more whiny than I would've liked.
    "Emery sweetie," she soothed, "I just went through all that pomp and circumstance not three weeks ago. I was married to the Crown Prince don't forget." She came over and ran a hand down my hair and she saw I was still a little embarrassed about the whole thing.
    "I just want to get out of the spotlight for a little while. To have some time to myself and to do something I've never done before," she confessed with a sparkle in her eye.
    "What's that?" I sniffled. Must be dusty in here.
    "To explore, to see the universe. You know I've never even left the Syalantian star system before this trip. This is my chance to see what's out there. Not to mention, Rohn is trying to make it up to me for having to play his fake wife, and all the antics he put me through the last few weeks as we hid from his uncle. He gave me his titanium card with no strings attached. Basically it's a charge card with no limit on it, and the bill goes straight to him," she winked and we all laughed.
    "Your exciting and detailed accounts of Earth resonated with my need for adventure and enticed me to visit there first. I wish to explore the culture, I want to interact with the people as something other than a member of the royal family. I want to blend in for once," her voice was full of promise and hope. Who was I to deny her that. But blend in?
    "With that hair?" I scoffed. Bev, who is colorblind except for the color blue looked wholly confused.
    "That's what headdresses are for," she shrugged.
    "Where will you go?" my voice cracked.
    She screwed her nose up, obviously trying to discern the best location. "I'm not sure yet. Any ideas ladies? Syalantians don't fare too well in cold climates, so it’ll have to be somewhere warm."
    Images of my grandmother’s face and fun memories of summers in her small town overtook me, calming my soul. "I know the perfect place-.”
    Strong, warm hands slid up my exposed back cutting my breath. Either the seamstress was getting a little frisky, or a certain husband of mine had sneaked into the room and decided to take liberties with my person.
    "I'm sorry to interrupt ladies," came a smooth voice from behind, just above my ear, "but a matter of state has come up that requires both of Syalantia's leaders."
    Bev shushed us away. "No problem, you two run along and take care of the mighty affairs of the empire, I've got a million things to do anyway. I am still seeing all three of you for dinner tonight right?" She eyed us questioningly, creating sparks while menacingly sliding a single claw of her hand across the other four.
    “I’ll be there,” Anula chirped.
    "Of course, we'll be there in three hours," Rohn affirmed, then cast me a furtive glance, "better make that four hours."
    “We can finish with this dress later?” I asked the seamstress. She nodded halfheartedly.
    After we rushed out of the room, he grabbed my hand and led me into the elevator. Destination - our honeymoon suite. Once the doors closed, his body edged closer until it was firmly pressed up against mine. His beautiful lips sought out my mouth, working their magic until I let out an

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