Tonight The World Dies

Tonight The World Dies by Amber White Page B

Book: Tonight The World Dies by Amber White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber White
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her through the heart, tears running down his face, his mouth set in a line of grim determination.
    “Did you just stab her with a tree branch?” Billie asked, amused. “Major props for creativity!”
    He stood over her, sopping up his tears with one hand, and with his gun clutched in the other, finished her off.
    Though it was neither the place, nor the time, I had to burst into song.
    “Unbreak my heart, say you love me again. Undo this curse that you caused when you walked out the door and… too soon?” I said, noticing all eyes on me, Todd glaring openly from where he stood, shaking.
    “You are so weird!” Andy said. “And kind of a jerk.”
    “Weird? Me? No, I just have this thing called personality. It’s kind of a rare trait these days.”
    Andy looked more closely at the zombie, and then stood in front of me, blocking his brother from my view. “That was his girlfriend.” He whispered.
    “Oh. Oh god.” I gasped. Leaning around Andy, I called to Todd. “I am so unbelievably sorry. I didn’t know!” I said.
    He didn’t speak to anyone for the rest of the day, unloading our spoils in unyielding silence when we returned to the house. I didn’t blame him. In the past year I had grown hard, not really caring who the zombies once were, but seeing his face, hearing him sobbing quietly, reminded me of what I was still going through; the realization that they might still be human. I tried to make myself numb to it all, but moments like these seeped through and I felt my heart breaking a little more for him.
    “What’s with your brother?” Megan asked Andy.
    “We found Brianna at the store. He stabbed her through the heart with a branch.”
    “Oh,” She said, slightly horrified.
    “And old Comedy Club over here started singing ‘Unbreak My Heart’.”
    Megan glared at me.
    “I didn’t know! I just thought she was a regular old zombie freak, and he didn’t want to kill her ‘cause she was a chick!” I said.
    “It was still insensitive.” Megan said.
    “How was I supposed to know? I mean, I can never express just how sorry I am. If I had known they used to be together, I would have kept my trap shut!” I said, my anger flaring up slightly.
    “Don’t worry. He’ll get over it.” Andy said, patting my shoulder.
    I let that one go. Grabbing the basket of medicine, I turned toward the house. “Where does this go?” I asked.
    “Bobby wanted those. He’ll probably be in the basement.” Andy said.
    I marched off, headed toward the basement door. It was locked.
    “Bobby?” I knocked loudly.
    “Yes? A muffled voice yelled from below.
    “I have the stuff you asked for.” I called.
    There was a loud clank, and the sound of heavy footsteps rushing up the stairs. Bobby unlatched the door and threw it open, looking frazzled. I handed him the basket.
    “Did you look inside?” He asked.
    “No. Andy grabbed them for you and I just brought them in.” I said.
    “Oh, good. Good.” He mumbled.
    “Umm…What are they for?” I asked, suspicious. I was afraid he might have some sort of drug habit, or something.
    “Nothing for you to worry about.” He said, and slammed the door in my face.
    Chapter eleven
    “What was that about?” Sully asked from behind me.
    I turned around, stunned. “I have no idea.”
    “Did I just hear a door slam?” Amy said, coming down the stairs.
    “Yeah, Bobby just slammed the door in my face after I gave him the stuff he asked for from the pharmacy.” I answered.
    “Oh, he does that sometimes. It’s nothing to worry about.” She said. She smiled, but I could tell it was a bit strained.
    Dinner that night was tense. Todd refused to speak to me, and only used one word answers or nods with everyone else, and where he glared at me constantly, Bobby wouldn’t even look in my direction.
    “So, Bobby, how are you today?” I asked, trying to break the ice.
    “Fine.” He mumbled into his plate.
    “So…um, what are you doing…” I

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