Too Near the Fire

Too Near the Fire by Lindsay McKenna

Book: Too Near the Fire by Lindsay McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay McKenna
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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so good,” she murmured, arching against his hands.
    “You’re like a cat getting stroked,” he said softly. “You really are in good shape.” He traced the curve of her spine with both thumbs. “You have a beautiful back,” he murmured.
    Leah dissolved against him. Miraculously, her headache disappeared and she placed the cloth on her lap, arching shamelessly into his kneading hands. It was magic, she thought blissfully. He was magic! Without meaning to, she gave herself totally to his masterful hands.
    “That’s better,” he murmured huskily.
    Ten minutes beneath his hands erased her distrustful thoughts. Gil eased her down on the couch, then went into the bathroom and warmed up the cloth again. After fifteen more minutes, the swelling was reduced and the pain in her nose had almost disappeared. He sat beside her, his arm draped casually behind her head, a pleased expression on his face. “Better?” he inquired.
    Even the tone of his voice was balm to her senses. “Much. I owe you one, Gil. Thanks.”
    Deviltry danced in his eyes. “Don’t worry, lady, I intend to collect,” he murmured. “Do you feel up to eating something before you hit the sack again?”
    Her stomach was growling rather loudly and she placed her hand self-consciously over that part of her body. “I guess I am.”
    He roused himself. “Got any food in the refrigerator yet?”
    “Yes, but I think all I could eat right now is a salad.”
    “Sounds good. Why don’t you stretch out on the couch and rest while I make us dinner.”
    Leah didn’t refuse his offer. “Sounds good,” she agreed tiredly. Stretched out on the couch, she soon fell into a light sleep while Gil rummaged around in the kitchen.
    Half an hour later, Gil ambled into the living room, wiping his hands on a towel. He halted a few feet from where Leah lay sleeping. Her face was relaxed and devoid of that usual defensive mask she wore like armor. He allowed his hands to drop to his sides as he approached the couch. There was a vulnerability in her sleeping features that he hadn’t seen before. He sat down on the edge of the couch, his body brushing against hers, and lightly caressed her flushed cheek. Her flesh was smooth and warm beneath his hand. She was beautiful despite her injury. Leaning over, he caressed her parted lips with his mouth. Her lips were like lovely flower petals to be explored, tasted, and outlined. Gil felt her respond, felt her lips return the pressure of his mouth.
    As she awoke, Leah was excruciatingly aware of his maleness, of the muscular hardness of his thigh against her hip. His mouth worshiped her lips. Warmth uncurled quickly from the center of her body as the pressure of his mouth increased against her parted lips. The natural male scent of his body and the tantalizing taste of his mouth combined to make her giddy with excitement.
    A soft moan rose in her throat as he deepened the kiss, his tongue invading the depths of her, stroking each hollow with masterful insistence. She melted beneath him, her arms automatically sliding across his broad, powerful shoulders. Consumed by the molten heat of his kiss, Leah reveled in the primitive desires he had released within her.
    Finally, he raised his head, his face inches from her own. His eyes were a dark blue, silvered with barely contained passion. Her breath was coming fast and shallow as she stared wide-eyed up into his face. Her heart thundered in her ears and she was aware that her breasts were taut beneath the lush fabric of her robe. An ache was beginning in her lower body and she yearned to continue the magical interlude. Never had she been awakened from sleep by such a kiss. Never had a man aroused her so strongly.
    Gil broke the silence, his face thoughtful and composed in the semidarkness. “I didn’t mean to do that,” he murmured, his voice husky with desire. “You looked so damn beautiful sleeping there…your lips…” He took a steadying breath. “You’re one hell of a

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