Too Wicked to Wed
gaming room?”
    “What’s the hurry?” Alexa paused as one of the musicians climbed atop a bowfront sideboard and launched into a lively country jig. As two men linked arms and begin spinning in a dizzying circle, she slanted a look around the room. “There don’t seem to be many ladies present.”
    “To tell the truth, I don’t think that there are any ladies present.” Henry helped himself to more champagne, then refilled her glass. “If you get my drift.”
    Seeing a buxom blonde mount a gentleman’s shoulders, her skirts frothing up around her thighs, Alexa gave a low snort. “You needn’t dance around the subject. If you mean that most of the females here are lightskirts, I would say that is fairly obvious.”
    Henry nearly choked on a swallow of his wine. “As if you have ever set eyes on that sort of woman.”
    “As a matter of fact…” Her mouth curled up at the corners. Henry knew nothing about her brief visit to a house of ill repute and she decided to leave it that way. Sebastian had once mentioned that her cousin tended to turn awfully garrulous when drunk.
    “Oh, never mind,” she continued. “However, as you well know, my sensibilities are hardly those of a sheltered young miss.” Her gaze, still fixed on the dancing, caught the saucy wink that a raven-haired doxie was directing Henry’s way. “By the by, if you wish to pursue a more intimate acquaintance—one that might take you upstairs—don’t let my presence hold you back. I can find my own entertainments.”
    Turning a bit green at the gills, Henry promptly drained his glass. “Perhaps this was not such a good idea after all.”
    “Don’t turn priggish now,” she murmured. “What goes on between men and women is no dark mystery when one has overseen the breeding of sheep and—”
    “Have some rum punch,” he mumbled, reaching for a new round of libations.
    “No, thank you. I prefer to keep a clear head for cards.”
    “Cards.” Looking relieved at the change of subject, Henry started forward. “By all means, let’s see what sort of action is taking places at the tables.”
    Alexa, however, refused to be rushed. The air, scented with the seductive spice of cigars and perfumes, was intoxicating and she stood for a moment, simply inhaling the tantalizing whiff of forbidden freedoms. Gentlemen had all the luck, she decided. They had so few boundaries. While ladies were expected to be satisfied living their entire lives within the confines of a tight little box.
    And most were. Alexa played with the folds of her cravat. Was she odd, to be longing for something she couldn’t quite put a finger on? Looking around again, she knew she should be shocked by the licentious looseness of the crowd. By all rights, the laughter was too loud, the comments too lusty.
    And yet, she thought wistfully, they all seemed to be having such fun.
    A nudge from Henry finally moved her to follow him into the gaming room.
    Despite the low light and haze of cigar smoke, it quickly became evident that the stakes were running a good deal higher than a penny a point.
    After glancing around at the taut faces, her cousin was moved to a low whistle. “The play tonight is too deep for a novice,” he cautioned. “We’ll just watch for a bit, then take our leave.”
    “No,” replied Alexa firmly.
    “I’ve enough blunt to take a seat for a hand or two.”
    He grimaced as his gaze fell on the players seated in the center of the room. “I would not advise it. Northinger and Haddan are notoriously reckless when it comes to betting.”
    One of the gentlemen at the table suddenly rose and with a curse at the cards staggered off. Alexa quickly slipped into his place, leaving her cousin no choice but to play along with their charade.
    “Young Lars here has just arrived from Sweden,” announced Henry to the other players as he leaned in over her shoulder. “He wishes to test his mettle against you gentlemen.”
    “ Ja ,” she

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