Torkel's Chosen

Torkel's Chosen by Michelle Howard Page A

Book: Torkel's Chosen by Michelle Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Howard
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Romance
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toothbrush on the rim of the basin.  When
her weight shifted, she realized she wore a man’s white long-sleeved button
down shirt with only two buttons done up. She grabbed the ends and tugged the
hem down, though the material came well pass her thighs.
    Torkel noticed her
actions as he grasped her hand again and led her back into the bedroom. Apparently
he liked dragging her around. “Your things arrived last night but you insisted
on wearing my shirt to sleep.”
    Faye glanced at
him and his red cheeks. “I’m sorry if I was difficult. I don’t know what came
over me.” She didn’t drink alcohol often and when she did, Faye was a harmless
drunk who became klutzy from what she recalled. Last night had been different.
    She frowned,
pulling forth the hazy memories. An image of her begging Torkel and climbing
all over him came to her. “Oh no!”
    He glanced at her
while standing near an electronic black box with flashing lights on a sleek
desk. He hit one of the switches and spoke into a speaker. “Send food for my
Chosen and I.”
    “Yes, Torkel.”
    He flicked the
switch back and the blinking lights stopped. When he approached, Faye backed up
until her thighs hit the edge of the bed. He stopped inches away. “I don’t mean
to frighten you.”
    Sincerity gazed
back at her from his deep brown eyes.
    “I’m not frightened.”
A lot. “I was all over you last night.”
    He sighed. “Do you
have regrets?”
    Now that she could answer without doubt. “No.”
    “Good. We should
talk. Last night wasn’t a good time to discuss our situation. No one expected
you to react…”
    “Horny,” she cut
in with a self-deprecating smile. It wasn’t in her to blame him for her
actions. The drink had been offered when she was thirsty and if they weren’t
used to humans how would they have known?
    “Yes, horny.”
    He braced his
hands on his hips and Faye tried. She really did. But in no way could she stop
her eyes from dropping down and studying her new husband’s body.
    Her attention
focused on his genitals. She remembered distinctly having a conversation about
the differences between human men. “You’re not Enotian?”
    “No. I was raised
by Enotians but my origins are Marenian.”
    The brochures
talked about Marenians. Slavers. Faye gasped. It was one of the other reasons
she’d discounted selecting him. “You keep slaves?
    “No,” he roared,
taking a step back. “I would never enslave another.”
    Faye winced from
the volume of his statement. “That’s good.” She glanced down at his ringed
shaft and it thickened beneath her gaze.
    “I should dress.”
    Faye moistened her
lips. “Um…yes. If we’re to talk without distraction.”
    He turned away to open
the middle drawer of a dresser built into the wall. The flex and pull of his
tight ass had her swallowing. Torkel pulled out a pair of black drawstring pants
and donned them without boxers or briefs.
    Faye sent a quick
thanks heavenward.
    “How am I a distraction?”
he asked when he turned around. The bulge had grown substantially and the
fabric looked stretched to the limits.
    Faye didn’t answer
immediately. Was he serious? A man as attractive as him had to have women all
over him. It surprised her that he’d still been available during the debacle at
the arena.
    He ran a hand
through his shoulder length hair. “How am I a distraction?”
    “Because you’re a
delicious hunk of man,” she blurted and waited for his reaction.
    He stilled, his
hand falling to his side. Their eyes met across the expanse of the bedroom.
Torkel folded his arms over his chest and tipped his head to the side. “I
didn’t understand everything but you’re complimenting me.”
    This time it
wasn’t quite a question but the brief flash of insecurity gave her pause. Maybe
he was as nervous as she was about their new start together. Faye nodded.
    He reached up and
grasped the medallion in his hand. “I’m honored that you find me pleasing,
Faye. I…I have longed

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