Torkel's Chosen

Torkel's Chosen by Michelle Howard Page B

Book: Torkel's Chosen by Michelle Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Howard
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Romance
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for a woman of my own. To have a Chosen is a gift and I
vow to care for you.”
    Faye rubbed at her
eyes to force tears back at his pledge. Everything in the last few weeks was
worth it to bring her to this point. With tentative steps she closed the
distance between them. Her arms wrapped around his waist. His big body tensed
but she laid her head on his chest and hugged him tightly. The thump of his
heart beat a reassuring rhythm under her cheek.
    Torkel’s arms took
a while but came around her and pulled her up tight against him until only the
tip of her bare toes touched the floor. They must not have hugs as he squeezed
the breath from her. He rubbed his face against her hair.
    The knock at the
door broke them apart.
    “That will be
breakfast,” Torkel rumbled above her.
    Faye reluctantly
let him go, her hands adding a firm pat to his taut abs before moving out of
his way. Torkel stared as if unsure what to make of her. Faye dug her toes into
the carpet to keep from fidgeting.
    Finally, he took
her hand in his. “Come.”
    She followed him
into another room. Unlike the bedroom where Torkel’s bed took up most of the
space, his living area was huge and practically empty. Low slung couches in red
backed up against white walls but no tables or pictures added to the decor.
Sliding doors led to a stone balcony which faced off toward city lights and
other buildings. The morning sun sent shafts of light throughout the room. Faye
headed in that direction while Torkel opened the front door.
    She undid the
latch and slid the glass to the side. Her feet made contact with the rough
stone floor and Faye wished she’d brought her shoes out. She tilted her head up
and closed her eyes as the warmth of the sun heated her skin.
    On Earth the bio
dome kept anyone from feeling true heat. Going outside without protective
layers became hazardous after the ozone layer deteriorated. Scientist around
the world had eventually finished a protective dome that projected from
strategically placed satellites around the planet.
    Enotia didn’t seem
to have that problem.
    “Would you like to
eat out here?”
    Faye spun on her
heels. Torkel leaned against the door jamb, hands in his pockets and an
indulgent smile playing about his mouth.
    He really was
handsome. Gold skin stretched taut over a defined chest, smooth torso with a
six pack that Earth men would envy. The cotton pants hung loose on his waist
hinting at the powerful flesh it hid.
    Faye knew first
hand about what those pants hid. “Yes. If it’s okay with you.”
    He straightened.
“It pleases me to make you comfortable, Faye.”
    Torkel left to
return with a large pillow at least four feet wide. He tossed the blue
accessory on the floor and left again. When he returned, he carried a large
dish laden tray. Faye scooted away from the railing but Torkel directed his
head at the pillow. “We will sit and eat there.”
    Faye went down to
her knees and rested on her haunches. Torkel balanced the tray and joined her.
He set the tray beside him with a rattle and spread his legs wide. “Would you
sit with me, Faye and allow me to feed you?”
    At his unusual
offer, her cheeks burned. “Is this cultural?”
    He cocked his head
to the side. “I want to touch you while we eat and talk if it doesn’t offend.”
    How sweet. She
could grow to like their ways. Faye slid over until she sat between his legs,
her back to his chest. The tails of the shirt shifted, revealing more leg than
she was comfortable flashing. Faye pushed at it but Torkel placed the tray over
her lap. His thick arms bracketed her as he pointed to each item.
    She didn’t
recognize anything but she’d expected that when she made the decision to leave
her world to take up residence with an alien on another planet.
    Faye tasted
everything he slid on the small white plate. Most of it was fruit of some sort.
The meat made her nervous but after her first bite, she eagerly accepted more.
She cleaned her plate and noticed he put a

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