Torrent (Alpha Love - a Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance Book 4)

Torrent (Alpha Love - a Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance Book 4) by Olivia Stephens Page B

Book: Torrent (Alpha Love - a Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance Book 4) by Olivia Stephens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Stephens
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal, Adult, Wolf, Werewolf, Alpha, Shifter, erotica romance
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thou crap when he’s the one that got us into this mess in the first place!” Lindsey throws the half-eaten bit of toast into the kitchen sink with such force that it almost bounces right out again. Sofie remains silent, watching her friend. This is the first time she’s seen Lindsey really mad, and it’s more than a little disconcerting. “Sorry,” she mumbles after a few moments of silence, “I know that’s not fair. I’m just a little on edge today, is all.” She pulls her dark curly hair back into a makeshift bun, tutting as the tendrils escape, falling around her face artfully. She really was gorgeous, Sofie would be the first to admit that she was glad she wasn’t the competition. Lindsey was happily mated to Hector, a red-headed hunk of a man that would walk over hot coals for her.
    “You don’t have to apologize to me. It’s a tough time, of course you’re going to be a little more…prickly than usual. You’re worried about the pack, about your home, where do you go from here…?” Sofie stops as she sees the look of confusion in Lindsey’s face.
    “Screw that! I’m worried about my bar!” Lindsey flings an arm out, pointing in the direction of the town.
    “Oh, right.” Sofie doesn’t know what to say, this isn’t how she had expected the conversation to go at all.
    “You think it’s still going to be in one piece once people see me on the news? They’re going to drink every damn bottle of liquor I have and then they’re going to go to town on it!” Lindsey shakes her head and Sofie is surprised to see angry tears in her eyes.
    “I know it’s your livelihood and that you love that bar, but I didn’t realize how important it was to you.” Sofie reaches out to cover Lindsey’s hand with hers and gives it a squeeze.
    “My dad gave it to me.” Lindsey’s voice is small and the expression on her face makes her look like a little girl. “It’s the only thing I have left of him.”
    “Oh, honey.” Sofie pulls Lindsey into her, giving her friend the warm hug that she so desperately needs. “I’m sorry, Linds. I’m so sorry.” She strokes her friend’s hair, calming her as she adds what Luke has done to Lindsey to the mental list of reasons for her to hate him. “But we’re going to get it back for you, we’re going to get it back. This isn’t over yet.”
    The steel in Sofie’s voice makes Lindsey lift her head and scrub away the tears that have made tracks down her cheeks. “Why do I feel like I’m not going to like what you’re about to tell me?” It seems to be more of a rhetorical question, but Sofie was about to answer it just the same. “And why do you smell like sex?” Lindsey wrinkles her nose up and gives Sofie a little nudge.
    Sofie feels her face burn as if it were on fire. Of course, she had forgotten about that. Now she wishes she’d taken that shower. Ashton had told her not to, that he liked knowing that she had his scent on her. It was a macho display of possession but Sofie would be lying if she said that she didn’t enjoy it. She had pointed out to him that in a place full of werewolves, with their superior sense of smell, it would be like broadcasting the fact that they’d just done the nasty to anyone close enough to catch the scent, which incidentally was everyone. He was unfazed by that, and the sexy smile he had given her was enough to throw her reticence to the wind, a fact she was now regretting a little as she blushes under Lindsey’s intense gaze.
    But the look that Lindsey gives her is nowhere near judgemental, if anything she seems pleased that Sofie and Ashton have been doing it. “Well, it’s nice to know that some things around here don’t change.” Lindsey smirks at her friend, her worry over her bar sidelined, for now. “Guessing this means you’ve forgiven him for the little power-play he had going on with Gus over the vote?”
    “There was nothing to forgive. He did what he thought was the right thing. I know he only wants

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