touch my heart

touch my heart by wayne jordan

Book: touch my heart by wayne jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: wayne jordan
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sat and barked softly as if he didn’t want to disturb her.
    She glanced up, her gaze immediately coming to rest on him.
    “Good morning,” she said, stoically. Damn, did she ever smile? Aaliyah was all business at all times and he wondered what she’d do if he were to kiss her. Immediately, he pushed the thought from his mind. He wasn’t even sure where it’d come from.
    She stood with the cup in her hand, and headed to the sink.
    “What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice filled with concern. She walked closer to him and stopped.
    Her hand reached for his face and she brushed something away.
    “You’re covered in grass and dust.”
    He almost cowered but straightened his back.
    “It’s nothing,” he replied. “I’m fine.”
    “I’m sure you are,” she said, her voice tinted with amusement.
    He looked at her, standing before him. There was a twinkle in her eyes.
    “I’m glad I can be of some amusement to someone.”
    “I’m not amused. Wonder why you would be so worried about a little fall.”
    “Fall? I didn’t...” He stopped. It didn’t make any sense lying. He’d fallen. Period. That was all.
    “I have to feed Nugget.” He turned to the dog, ignoring her.
    “I’m going back to my room. The session is at nine, remember?”
    He was about to tell her he wasn’t coming but stopped himself. He’d go and show her he wasn’t a shirker.
    “I’ll see you,” he stated firmly.
    She smiled briefly and left, but not before he saw the hint of smile on her lips.
    He growled. She had the uncanny ability to get under his skin.
    He walked toward the stairway, still wondering why he’d refused to move to a bedroom downstairs.
    Of course, he’d wanted to prove he could be independent. Now each time he labored upstairs, the pain in his leg reminded him how stubborn he’d been.
    What seemed like hours later, he entered his room, stripped his clothes off and dressed in his outfit for the session.
    He groaned. He was not looking forward to it.
    While he knew the importance of the session, he didn’t feel comfortable with Aaliyah yet. He felt something stirring between them. Each time she placed her hands on him, it took all of his control not to get rock hard. His response to her still baffled him. It had crept up on him.
    It was her touch. There was something exciting and titillating about her hands on him. And she was never anything other than professional.
    He was the one with the overactive imagination, the one with the one-track mind. He needed sex. He had not had sex since the accident.
    He glanced up at the clock. Time for his session. He sighed. Already his body was reacting in anticipation.
    * * *
    Aaliyah had reached the stage where the word frustration didn’t come close to explain how she was feeling. She’d balked on several occasions at calling Dr. Graham. While she understood what Dominic was going through, she really thought he was behaving like a spoiled brat.
    He was twenty minutes late, which had become his daily routine. She was sure he did it deliberately. Just to get on her nerves. Just to prove he was the still the boss.
    The door creaked and she turned in the direction of the noise. Dominic walked in.
    “Sorry to be late,” he said.
    “I’m sure you are,” she retorted.
    “I mean it. I’m sorry.”
    She huffed.
    “Now, what does that mean?”
    “You’ve never been early for any of our sessions thus far, so there really isn’t any need for you to be sorry. I work for you.”
    He stared at her and nodded his head slowly. “That’s true,” he agreed. “So what are the plans for today?”
    “We’ll go through our regular routine.”
    He groaned.
    “I do have some additional sets to add.”
    He groaned again. “I know Charles sent you here to torture me.”
    “Maybe he did. But I think he did because he knows I am good at what I do.”
    “You like your work?”
    “I do. However, we really can’t do your exercises if you keep talking. You need to get on the

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