Touching Evil
Moines Police Department officers are checking the local hospitals and clinics for patients who came in with gunshot wounds in the last few hours.  The crime scene team found some small samples that might prove to be the UNSUB’s blood at the site where his vehicle was parked.”   Cam couldn’t help glancing toward the chair Franks usually commandeered.  It was an empty reminder of what the scene last night had cost them.  Boggs in the hospital.  Both he and Franks on paid administrative leave until the internal review board cleared them of wrongdoing in the shootout with the UNSUB.  Cam was going to do his damnedest to ensure that review was expedited.
    “Franks got the license plate number so we’ve got a BOLO out on the offender’s car.”  
    “There’s a short window of opportunity on the be-on-the-lookout alert,” Agent Alex Beachum observed.  “After kidnapping Van Wheton, he switched the plates sometime while transporting her to Iowa.”  
    Cam nodded.  “And the van used in that crime was likely tinted navy before it was spotted in Channing’s neighborhood, then switched back to white later.  So this guy might have the skill to change more than just the plates on his vehicle.  DMPD officers are canvassing the neighborhood to see if anyone can offer more details.  Patrick, you’ll go over the footage from the security cameras we installed in Dr. Channing’s apartment, but for now we’re operating under the assumption that the guy who went there to kill her is the same man who was seen assaulting a corpse a few hours earlier.”  The man had been wearing a hood and goggles when Boggs and Franks saw him, but maybe at some point during his time inside the condo he’d removed one or both.
    He stopped for a moment to scan the group assembled before him, noting in a dim part of his brain that contrary to her stated intentions, Special Agent Gonzalez was not in the room.  “One of the witnesses at the river has positively identified the man he saw.  He ID’d him from the sketch Agent Turner drew of the man who kidnapped Van Wheton and was caught on camera transporting her from Edina to Iowa.  From there the accomplice apparently handed her over to Vance.  It goes to follow that the same man was doing Vance’s bidding when he attempted to kill Dr. Channing early this morning.”
    And he’d pay dearly, Cam vowed silent, for his attempt on Sophie’s life.  He’d make sure of that.  
    Looking down to consult his notes, he said,  “We’ve got one crime scene team finishing up at the Raccoon River site and another still dispatched at Channing’s condo.  It’ll be hours yet before they’re done there, but there will be plenty of ballistics evidence at the second scene.”
    “What’s the latest on Corbin?”
    Cam looked at Brody Robbins, the youngest agent on the team.  He’d transferred to the Major Crimes Unit only months ago, and with this investigation he was gaining experience fast.  “The couch slowed the velocity of the bullets, and Boggs was wearing a vest, so both of those facts worked in his favor.  One slug was buried in the couch, the vest stopped another, but he was hit in the arm by the third.  He won’t be released from the hospital until tomorrow, depending on the damage.” Cam could be thankful the man wasn’t hurt worse while remaining cognizant that Boggs’ medical leave was likely going to extend well beyond his administrative leave.
    “Our best bet is the slugs the criminalists will retrieve from Channing’s spare bedroom, and the spent cartridges expelled from the offender’s weapon.  I’ve submitted a request to have the ballistics evidence fast-tracked, so we can expect a quick turnaround with the results.”  He saw a few of the agents straighten in their chairs, looking slightly less grim.  Although it was too soon for optimism, he was similarly anxious to see if the brass left behind from the offender’s gun would provide them with a

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