Trail of the Wolf

Trail of the Wolf by Joe Dever Page A

Book: Trail of the Wolf by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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immediately open fire at you with their crossbows, and you are forced to seek cover behind the parapet. As you crouch beside Lone Wolf, a sudden shriek echoes across the observatory platform, making you glance over your shoulder in fearful anticipation.
    Turn to 264 .

    You unsheathe your Kai Weapon and steel yourself to meet the Kraan's attack. Cawing with hunger and rage, the loathsome creature hurls itself upon you in a desperate, vengeful attack.
    Helkona Kraan: COMBAT SKILL  35    ENDURANCE  40
    If you win this combat, turn to 157 .

    Mentally you recite the words of the Old Kingdom Spell Shield as you circle your right palm before your face. The spell is only just materializing when the speeding arrow strikes and penetrates this magical barrier, yet your swift action buys you the precious moments you need to dodge your head out of its path.
    To continue, turn to 56 .

    Hurriedly you drag the corpses of the dog and the Drakkarim into the dark alcove from where the Akataz first emerged. When you look around the floor of this shadowy niche, you discover a carpet of flea-infested sacking which you use to cover the bodies of your slain foes. Once they are hidden, you turn and hurry towards the stairs.
    At the top of these steps you discover a wide balcony and a door banded by criss-crossing strips of enamelled iron. The door is ajar, and the grey half-light of Gazad Helkona filters through its opening to illuminate the gloom of an entrance hall that lies beyond. Cautiously you enter the hall and cast your eye over its dank walls and high ceiling.
    The circular walls of this hall are bedecked with battered shields and torn banners, captured in battle during the Darklands War. Lit by the oily glow of a solitary sputtering Lantern, you can see a crude wooden table and two chairs in the middle of the hall. A pair of Bone Dice rests on the table and two Spears lie on the floor beside it. (If you want to keep any of these items, adjust your Action Chart accordingly.)
    You are looking around the walls when you notice an archway directly opposite the main entrance, leading to a flight of stone steps. Quickly you cross to the archway and ascend the steps to a landing on the level above.
    Turn to 6 .

    Instinctively you look to the crystal sphere, and your heart sinks when you see that the swirling black vapours are now oozing through the glassy surface. These sinister wisps of darkness draw together and swirl around the throne of bones like a small tornado. Then from the core of this whirlwind there issues a loud and hideous shriek that makes your blood run cold.
    If you have ever visited the city of Duadon in a previous
Lone Wolf New Order
adventure, turn to 255 .
    If you have not, turn to 136 .

    You unsheathe your Kai Weapon and dig your heels into the dusty soil to steady yourself as the first of the huge swarm comes plummeting out of the sky to attack you.
    Helkona Direflies: COMBAT SKILL  40    ENDURANCE  35
    If you possess the Kai Weapon ‘Kaistar’, or ‘Raumas’, you may add the appropriate bonus gained from its unique properties.
    If you win this combat, turn to 199 .

    You call upon your knowledge of Old Kingdom magic and clench the fingers of your right hand before speaking the words that will consolidate the spell Invisible Fist . Then you jab your clenched fist at the Urgaroh and the spell is triggered. A concussive ball of energy streaks across the platform and slams into the creature, knocking it to the floor.
    To continue, turn to 148 .

    The screeching wall of noise ceases abruptly, and you open your eyes to see Xaol the Necromancer staring at you aghast. Frantically he snatches up a black iron staff that rests beside his throne of bones, and then he leaps from his seat with surprising agility. You reach for your Kai Weapon as he comes bounding towards you, his staff poised to thrust at your head. He lunges, not with a rod of iron but with a living serpent. The necromancer's staff

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