Trail of the Wolf

Trail of the Wolf by Joe Dever Page B

Book: Trail of the Wolf by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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has transformed into a deadly, hissing black snake. Hastily you retreat as the serpent's dripping fangs strike out for your throat.
    Illustration V —Frantically, Xaol the Necromancer snatches up his iron staff and leaps forward.
    Xaol the Necromancer
(with Serpent Rod)
    If you possess the Kai Weapon ‘Spawnsmite’ or ‘Valiance’ you may add the bonus that you gain from its unique properties during this combat.
    If you win the combat, turn to 178 .

    Calling upon your knowledge of Old Kingdom magic, slowly you clench the fingers of your right hand as you whisper the words of the spell Invisible Fist . Then you jab your fist at the Krorn's head and the force of your spell materializes with dramatic effect. The creature is spun off its wooden block and slammed face-first against the wall of the tower chamber. With a dull groan it slides down the grimy wall, leaving a trail of bloodied gruel smeared in its wake.
    Having incapacitated the tower lookout, you squeeze through the arrow slit and jump down into the chamber.
    Turn to 101 .

    The crystal sphere is not an artefact of this world. It was forged in Dazganon, the dread fortress of the Dark God Naar, upon the ethereal Plane of Darkness. The supernatural forces that exist within this sphere enable Naar to exert total control over his agent Xaol. Your Kai senses inform you that the destruction of this sphere would deal a severe blow to the Dark God. It would rob him of a means by which his influence can prevail on Magnamund.

    Suddenly Xaol cries out in alarm, as if the evil necromancer has awoken from the grip of a nightmare. He snatches his hand away from the crystal sphere and points it at you accusingly. His dark eyes glare with madness when he spits out his chilling threat: ‘Foolish Kai. You are doomed. You and your weak master will never leave my hall alive!’
    In the next instant, the doors to the necromancer's hall crash shut and you are assailed by a terrible sound that fills your head with pain.
    If you possess Kai-screen, turn to 164 .
    If you do not presses this Discipline, turn to 314 .

    Patiently you wait for the storm to abate. When finally the wind drops and the air sheds its dust, you are able to see the vast forest of Helkona stretching away to the northern horizon. It is a forbidding sight, a lifeless expanse of petrified trees that have been destroyed by poisons leeched from the blighted soil of the Darklands. You magnify your vision and you notice a crimson speck of light in the far distance. It emanates from the towers of Gazad Helkona, which you estimate to be no more than thirty miles away. The pinpoint glow of this blood-red light tells you that the fortress is occupied.
    It is a dark and cloudy night, but you have little difficulty making your way down the trail to the bottom of the hilly ridge. Even in the dead of night the skies above this region are dully illuminated by the reflection of volcanic fires that rage amidst the surrounding mountains. When you look to the east you can see the lava streams of the Kagazitzaga Range; to the west, the fiery spouts of the Kokozritzaga. As you press on towards the petrified timberland of Helkona, you can feel the tremor of their constant eruptions vibrating beneath your feet.
    To continue, turn to 232 .

    One of the bandits becomes curious and he glances behind the statue. When he sees you hiding in the shadows he yelps with surprise, and reaches for the sword sheathed in his belt. You beat him to the draw and lunge at his chest with your Kai Weapon, running him through. He sways on his feet, his knuckles white on his sword hilt; then his strength deserts him and he keels over backwards onto the hard stone floor. The wolfhound yelps and runs off, but the remaining bandit stands his ground.
    ‘Prepare to die, raven-bait!’ he spits, as he unsheathes his heavy sword from its leather scabbard.
    Wolfhound Handler: COMBAT SKILL  29    ENDURANCE

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