
Transcendence by Shay Savage Page A

Book: Transcendence by Shay Savage Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shay Savage
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look at each other, and then she repeats both the sound and the motion.
    “ Elizabeth.”
    I feel my smile on my face as I understand what she is doing. Though it’s a strange one, she has a name-sound just like I do, and she’s telling me what it is. I try to make the same sounds.
    “ Ehh..beh.” I frown. Why is her name-sound so difficult and so long?
    She frowns right back at me and says it again.
    “ Elizabeth.”
    “ Beh-tah-babaa.”
    She sighs and her forehead wrinkles.
    “ Elizabeth. Eeee-lizzz-ahh-beth.”
    “ Laahh…baaay.”
    She shakes her head back and forth, and I wonder if she has an itch. She repeats the sounds a few more times, sometimes combining it with a lot of other sounds. I am starting to get a headache again as she gets a little louder. She taps her chest again.
    “ Beth!”
    The sound is shorter but still very odd.
    “ Beh-bet.”
    “ Beth,” she repeats.
    I’ve had enough. I reach out and touch her shoulder.
    “ Beh.”
    “ Beth.”
    I tap her a little harder and growl.
    “ Beh,” I repeat. I tap her again. “BEH!”
    Her eyes widen a bit, and she inhales sharply. A moment later, her shoulders drop and she sighs.
    “ Beh,” she says quietly.
    I smile as I watch her hand reach out, and a single finger touches the center of my chest. More sounds from her mouth, but I know what she wants. She wants to know if I have a name-sound too.
    “ Ehd!” I say proudly.
    After so much time on my own, I am lucky I even remember my name-sound.
    “ Ehd?”
    “ Ehd!”
    “ Ehd,” she says as a small smile finally comes over her face. It is a beautiful sight, and my body almost tingles with excitement. She has given me her name-sound and asked for mine, which must mean she has accepted me. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have given me such valuable information. Now she will take me as her mate willingly, and we will form a new tribe with our children.
    I jump up and grab her arm to help her to her feet. She stands and brushes dust from her coverings before I take both of her hands in mine. For a moment, I look at her eyes, which are still red with her sadness. I hope now that she has accepted that I am her mate, she will be happy. I lean forward slowly and run the tip of my nose over hers again, starting at the tip and moving all the way up to the place between her eyes. I look at her again, and though I can still see her wariness in her eyes, she does not pull away from me.
    Then I begin to show my mate her new home.
    Since we were already outside the cave, I start by showing her my impressive collection of wood. There’s a large crevice outside the entrance to my cave that isn’t big enough for someone to live in but keeps the wood nice and dry when it rains, and it’s very easy to retrieve more wood when the supply inside is running low.
    Beh looks at the wood and then back to me, but she doesn’t seem impressed. I show her again, but her reaction is still one of disinterest. She looks out over the field away from the cave and up the cliff to the steppes but not at the wood. I’m disappointed that she doesn’t seem to like it because it really is the best I have to show her, but I push on, determined to impress her somehow.
    The rest of the day doesn’t go any better.
    I do not understand my mate.
    I show Beh everything I think will impress her, but she does not react the way I think she will—not at all. I am trying, but she is just…odd. After she won’t look at any of my furs or the smooth rocks around the fire pit, she sits down near the entrance to the cave and cries half the day. Then she begins these strange little movements of twisting and turning her body around. I can tell she needs to relieve herself, but she doesn’t do it! She just keeps looking around the outside of the cave, then back at me, and then around again. I finally get tired of her doing that, grab her wrist, and drag her over to the place where I usually empty my bladder and bowels. I relieve myself to

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