Trent (Redemption Romance Book 4)

Trent (Redemption Romance Book 4) by Anna Scott Page A

Book: Trent (Redemption Romance Book 4) by Anna Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Scott
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all at once.
    Since he was half dead in my bed, I was able to escape into the shower all alone and get ready for my day before he surfaced.
    Trent’s hands wrapped around me from behind as I leaned into the mirror, mouth open, to apply my last coat of mascara.
    “Why is your mouth open?”
    Seriously? Was that not the age old question? He had a mom and a sister, how could he not know about this shit. Besides, he’d been in relationships before.
    Giving him the arched brow, which always meant, “duh,” he shrugged and kissed the side of my neck.
    “You working all day?”
    “Yep, with Rors gone, I’ll be working a ton all week.”
    “Rors? Does she know you call her that?”
    “No, she’d kill me. You know that girl is tough as shit. Besides, she only lets Luke call her sweet little pet names.”
    “That’s what I thought, do you need me to protect you?”
    Shrugging my shoulders, I leaned back against him and tilted my head so I could see him. Leaning down, he gazed at me sweetly and kissed my forehead.
    “Don’t shut me out again, k? It fucking kills me, sweets.”
    Blinking back the tears, I nodded awkwardly since I was tilted back so far.
    “Can I come in and hang out with you all day? Let’s do it on that chair thing.”
    “Oh my god, seriously? Everyone has sex on that thing!”
    “What? Who else has?”
    “Shut up, I’m not telling you that.”
    “You don’t know. You’re just making it up. So I'll try harder to seduce you on it.” Trent’s teasing tone was so funny, he’d even added a little pouty lip to go with it. The ridiculous banter between us was one thing I’d really missed. One of the many, if I were honest.
    “I need to go, are you bringing me lunch?” I was kidding, but not really, I’d love it if he brought me lunch. That was one thing I’d missed out on before. Since I’d been so fucking stupid, and forced him to keep our entire relationship a secret, I hadn’t been able to enjoy the great couple stuff, lunches and grabbing dinner with the group, all that stuff I’d seen Luke and Aurora, Hope and Jake and now Dawn and Gavin do.
    We’d been the first in the group to pair off, but no one had ever known it. I hadn’t wanted to rock the boat if things went south, which they had, but if I’d had the support of our friends if I’d had more faith in Trent, would things have been different?
    I didn’t know, and on one hand, I was glad that I’d made him step back and make a conscious choice to take me as I was after everything, but I hated that it took me this long to trust him enough, to let him back in.
    “You bet your sweet ass, you want penis sauce?”
    “Fuck, I love you.” My wide smile vanished as soon as I realized what I’d said. I did, of course, but Jesus, I hadn’t meant to say it like that, not right now, not over a penis sauce discussion. Everyone knew that I loved the peanut sauce from the Thai place. Mostly, I liked it because when I said it fast, it sounded like penis sauce.
    With hands on my waist, he spun me around, making me face him, lifted me off the ground, so we were eye to eye and gave me the look .
    “Sweets, I love you too, and you fucking well know it, but if your face ever pales like that again when you tell me how you feel, I’m going to get pissed, get me?”
    Rolling my eyes, I shook my head from side to side, then met his eyes once again, a little smirk replacing the firm line he’d had there a moment ago.
    “All right, whatever.”
    Pulling me in hard, he took my mouth with fierce love and absolute determination. Once he ended the kiss, I was about brain dead, so when he set me back on my feet, I wobbled, and he had to steady me.
    Shaking it off, I started to my room, to find my shoes, when his hand snaked out to stop me. “We’re doing it, this time, no hiding, okay?”
    Nodding, I grinned and agreed, that was all I could do. He was right. I’d fucked it all up. All of it. Thinking back, I remembered how happy I’d been, fucking

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