Trigger Warning: Extreme Horror: Contains Strong Sexual Content, Violence, Drug Use, and Language.

Trigger Warning: Extreme Horror: Contains Strong Sexual Content, Violence, Drug Use, and Language. by John Raptor

Book: Trigger Warning: Extreme Horror: Contains Strong Sexual Content, Violence, Drug Use, and Language. by John Raptor Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Raptor
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all of that time, or the time before, when that fucking thing drugged me and locked me up here.
    Fuck. I really need to shit. So backed up I could drop enough logs to rebuild Lincoln’s cabin. Nigger sympathizing son of a bitch ! Wish I could go back in time and be the one to blow his fucking head off. Oh well, thanks John Wilkes Booth—even though you were a faggy actor, least you did something right.
    I always hated hearing about that liberal twat Lincoln—yeah, yeah, shut the fuck up, I know he was actually a Republican (before they had balls)—in Introduction to American History. Fucking nigger apologists, I’ll tell you what, that’s all the college education system is: a bunch of goddam beta-male hippies preachin’ love and peace…and feminazis.
    Kill ‘em all, that’s what I say. Let Odin sort out the rest.
    I got kicked out of college for writing a paper that was too “pro-Aryan,” as my History professor put it. All I said was that the white race was superior and we should sterilize the lesser races, abort their children, and force them into servitude or kill them if they refuse. Apparently, these ideas were not allowed in the prestigious halls of academia, where people are supposedly “open-minded.” Once I shared my truths, their minds were suddenly tighter than a 12-year-old girl’s asshole (well, unless that 12-year-old girl was my sister; I loosened that bitch up when she was nine). Whatever happened to freedom of fucking speech?!
    Most people hate the idea that there are lessers. They fear it, because they are the lesser, the weak, the ones not fit for life. Natural selection, bitch. It’s fucking science. There are alphas, and there are betas, and there are omegas (the most worthless, deserving rape and death).
    For example, women are the lesser sex—which is why they should have no rights and submit to sex whenever the fuck an alpha male wants it. Rape is a bullshit political term. There is no such thing. A buzzword created by feminazis and beta-males to strike fear into the idiot masses. Bitches were created by Odin for alpha men to fuck, not to be standing around in the campus streets like cattle, chanting “NO MEANS NO,” “YES MEANS YES,” or whatever cutesy phrase they’ve come up with that week while painting their nails, crying into pillows, shopping for shoes, hashtagging “trigger warning” on their Tumblr posts, and pinning knitting patterns on Pinterest. We’ve already given them too much power, because society has become weak and kowtows to the weak, afraid of hurting feelings, of triggering negative “emotions.” Emotions are for pussies and faggots. If you can’t fight back, then fuck you. You toughen up or get fucked, bitch.
    It’s a dog eat dog world, and if you’re not the one eating, you’re the one being eaten.
    Which reminds me…that Captain Crunch is looking tastier than a dyke’s cunt right now, goddam. I think I’m not supposed to eat it, but I can’t remember the reason why. It’s poisoned, maybe? Oh well.
    The red digital read-outs on the clock say 6:00.
    Guess they’re going to kill me soon.
    Let those faggots try. Bet they’re faggots. That’s why they chained a stud like me up. They get off on it. They’re probably watching me through a peephole, jerkin’ it. Fucking queers.
    “Somebody let me out of here! I’m gonna kick your fuckin’ ass! I’m gonna rape your fuckin’ face!”
    Probably shouldn’t have added that last part; might be makin’ them hornier.
    Wait, why would the clown have threatened to kill me at dawn if it poisoned my cereal? Doesn’t make sense, does it? Clown would probably want to do it himself with a scalpel, like the one it used on that beta-male Steve Cheese over there. I can tell Steve’s a beta because he allowed his throat to get slit (and he said “hi” to me once, instead of grunting).
    I’m not going out that way.
    I’m an alpha, goddammit.
    I do the fucking around here.
    No one fucks Alex

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