Truth Avenged (Green Division Series Book 1)

Truth Avenged (Green Division Series Book 1) by Ashley Monahan

Book: Truth Avenged (Green Division Series Book 1) by Ashley Monahan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Monahan
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much to kick us out.”
    S he did love her mom’s cooking.
    “ I’ll be home for Thanksgiving.  It’s only a month away.  By then I’ll be healed up enough so you won’t have to be take care of me like an invalid and I’d prefer it that way.  I’m a big girl.”
    “ Chance, you were shot and the shooter is still out there.  The wardens, bless them, they don’t have any idea who did this to you, so how can they protect you?  You’re not safe.  Come home to Seattle with us until they figure this out.”
    “ Mom, Lyman is my home.  It’s where you raised me and where I want to be.  I’ll be okay.  Dad’s put in an alarm system James Bond couldn’t crack and the police are keeping an eye on my house.”
    “ You can’t depend on the police to protect you.  They aren’t going to be at the end of your driveway twenty four hours a day.”
    “ And the .22 rifle and baseball bat.”
    “ You’re impossible to reason with.”
    “ You have to go home.  I need my space.  This isn’t natural, living under the same roof with your parents at my age.  And an upscale restaurant in Seattle that’s closed so the owners can take care of their child that doesn’t need fawning over, isn’t taking in much capital.”
    “ Well…”  Her mother took her words to heart and was hurt.
    “ I don’t mean it that way.  I love you.  And I love Dad, but I want my life back.  If I need anything, you’re a phone call away.  And I have Paul, John and Amy, and Gabby.  They will look out for me.”
    “ I don’t like the idea of you here alone.”
    “ Mom…”
    “ But, it’s what you want.  And you’re as stubborn as your father, so I know there is no talking you out of what you want.”
    Chance hugged her mother.
    “We’ll get tickets for tomorrow afternoon.  And we are getting you a cell phone before we leave. Then there is absolutely no excuse for you not to answer your phone young lady.  I’m surprised you’ve lasted this long without it.”
    “ House phone.  I haven’t left the house, not much need for my cell.”
    “ Good luck telling your father you’re kicking us out.”
    “ Can’t you tell him?  I’m not feeling so well.”
    “ Good try.”
    Chance told her father about her wish for them to return home and his reception was equal to her mother’s.  Oh well, they’d get over it.  She stretched the truth with the reasons she'd given as to why she wanted them to scurry along.  She wanted them out so she could research what the hell she had found.  She wasn’t giving up until she found the truth.
    When her parents left, her house was stocked as though she were preparing for the end of the world.  They ’d filled her pantry, cupboards, and fridge with $400 worth of food and supplies.  They bought her a new top of the line phone and her father wanted to fit her with a tracking device.  If only he was kidding.  Jacob and Paul had installed outside security cameras so she could watch them from her laptop.  Paul and Jacob could also watch as well, it was a secure internet site that allowed this access.
    Paul was as paranoid as her parents and had become a pain.  He was more shoved up her ass than her parents except when he had to be to work.  She on the other hand didn ’t need to worry about work for a few weeks, per Paul. 
    Her parents left as promised.  Though she had strict instructions to stay couch bound for the first week at home, Chance was restless.  The intrigue of the woods beckoned her.  Scattered metal of the downed plane was out there, waiting fo r her to discover it once again.  Maybe she had imagined everything she’d seen, but she could prove the plane’s existence.  She would find it.  The internet hadn’t yielded any answers, but now she could dig deeper without prying eyes.
    She paced around her house, the dull pain in her side was hard to ignore no matter what she did to distract herself.  She huffed.  She wanted to go up to the ridge.  She may

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