Truth Is Found

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Book: Truth Is Found by Morgan Kelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Kelley
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Cordell asked.
    Beau shook his head.
    Well, shit!
    This was going to be interesting. Beau had never dealt with spooks before….

                  When they walked into the winery, they were immediately assaulted with the scent of baked goods and other tasty morsels. For a pregnant woman, this was like dying and going to heaven.
                  Tori was smiling and ready to start snacking her way through the room. 
    Sue her.
    Apparently, this was her eating phase of the pregnancy.
    As they walked in, there were little pastries sitting on the welcome table, and she couldn’t help herself. As she popped one into her mouth, Julian grinned. He was glad to see that she was eating. He was tired of shoving food down her throat at regular intervals.
    Her feeding their baby took the pressure off him.
    “Well, this is a really pleasant surprise,” he stated.
    “Huh?” Tori asked.
    “I meant you eating of your own free will. It’s a miracle. Now what will I do with all my free time?” he teased.
    Tori grinned, playing along. “Don’t talk to me. Talk to your child. She’s taking over my body. She picked up the delicious scent of carbs and wanted one.”
    Before Julian could say anything more, a man began heading their way. Immediately, he held out his hand to shake it.
    “Mr. Nelms, it’s good to see you.”
    The man looked relieved. “You can’t imagine how happy I am that you’re here.”
    Well, since he threatened legal action if they didn't show up, what choice did they have?
    Tori shook his hand after Julian introduced them. “What happened to make you this freaked out?” she asked, sensing the trepidation. “You look worried about something.”
    He lowered his voice as he prepared to tell them all about it. “I’ve had more issues pop up. Last night, our only guests walked out. They weren’t happy when the doors began slamming for no reason. Then add to it that the woman’s earrings went missing... I had to refund them their money, and I can’t run a business like that. You of all people should understand what I’m saying, Mr. Littlemoon.”
    Yeah, he got it.
    Tori scanned the room. From her peripheral, she could see shadows moving. From what she’d learned with having Bethany around, they weren’t alone. This place was rocking when it came to the dead.
    Yeah, this was going to test Julian. He said he accepted it, but this would be the defining moment. She only hoped that he didn't lose it.
    “Are more guests coming?” Julian asked, hoping they wouldn’t be the only people there. It would make their job that much harder if they had everyone watching them. With other guests, they could blend-- sort of...
    The man lowered his voice. “Everyone thinks you’re one of our couples, and we have three others booked for this week. They arrive tonight. You have to get to the bottom of this, Mr. Littlemoon. My business is going under.”
    Julian could tell it was getting worse. The man looked more frazzled than when he’d met with him. No wonder he wouldn’t take his retainer back and allow them to back out of the job.
    He was desperate.
    “We will. My team is really good at handling this sort of thing.”
    “I pray you’re right. It was bad enough when it was things being stolen or broken, but now the person trying to destroy me is going too far. Playing ghost and spooking away my guests will break me. I have a lot of money invested in this place.”
    Julian lifted a brow and glanced over at Tori. He could tell by the look on her face that she already suspected this wasn’t going to be just about someone sabotaging the Nelms.
    When their eyes met, she looked away.
    He hoped he was wrong. Julian needed to get his wife alone so he could ask her if they had ‘company’.
    Man…he dreaded that conversation.
    His gut was already warning him, and that didn't bode well for his investigation at all.
    “The woman who recommended you said

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