Tuesday's Child

Tuesday's Child by Clare Revell

Book: Tuesday's Child by Clare Revell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clare Revell
Tags: Christian fiction
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him. How many more women are going to die while we faff about doing absolutely nothing?”
    Dane twisted in his seat. “All right, first off. We are not messing about. Nor are we doing nothing. We are chasing down every lead we get. Fine, we might not have much to go on, but at least this time there is a witness to talk to, right?”
    “Yes, Adeline. She said there was a connection. That he’s moving the girls after he kills them. There must be a reason for that. Perhaps if we talk to her again, we’ll be able to work it out.”
    Nate nodded. “And secondly?” He caught Dane’s questioning look. “You said first off. That implies there must be at least a second and possibly a third.”
    “Secondly, getting mad isn’t going to help. What was that verse you quoted at me last week?”
    “Philippians chapter four, verses five through seven. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus .”
    “Right.” Dane started the car. “Now you, being a church elder, know better than any one that no matter what happens, God is in overall control. He’s not sleeping or taking His eyes off the game or dropping the ball.”
    “Women are dying and there is nothing I can do to prevent it. Except, pray that this time we’ll have enough of a lead to catch the creep.”
    His phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket. “Holmes. Seriously? Praise God. That’s brilliant, we’ll go straight there.” He looked at Dane. “She’s alive. They’re taking her to the hospital now.”
    Dane checked the mirror and did a U-turn. “Good. Maybe we just got another break.”
    Nate leaned against the reception desk in the Emergency Department and shook his head. Frustration filled him to boiling point. I thought we were getting a break here, Lord. It’s not what I see it as. Yes, she’s alive, and I thank You for that, but we can’t communicate with her. She’s deaf. Do I bring Adeline in to talk to her? The Guv won’t like it, but it’s the best use of resources.
    Dane came back. “The doc says she can talk to us in a bit. But only five minutes. However, unless we get an interpreter in here, five hours won’t be enough. She can’t speak because of the damage to her throat and vocal chords, and we can’t sign.”
    “Then we use Adeline. Rather than waiting for the hospital or the department to provide an interpreter, we use the assets we have.”
    “Or we can use Jas. She’s well versed in sign, as you saw earlier.” Dane’s voice conveyed the same level of urgency that filled Nate. “Besides, Adeline is a witness. How do we know she’ll give us the victim’s version and not the one she saw in her head?”
    “This girl is completely deaf. She might find it easier to talk to someone who’s also deaf. And yes, I know Adeline saw the attack. It might make her remember something, some little detail that’s important.”
    Nate paused. Why were his feelings here so confused? He didn’t have a problem with Adeline being deaf, even when they interviewed her earlier. Was it because she could speak? Or was it something else? A small burgeoning feeling that he had for her? The way his heart leapt when he saw her and defied his every inclination to remain just friends? Or to remain professional. She was a witness in his case. The only witness to a serial murderer. Albeit an unconventional witness.
    Shaking his head, he looked at Dane. “Did you check the victim’s pockets?”
    Dane nodded, holding out the plastic bag. “Clover. Is he trying to tell us something with all these herbs? Maybe it’s a recipe for something or other?”
    Nate scoffed. “Then he needs to leave instructions with them. Did they find the victim’s bag yet?”

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