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Book: Twilight by William Gay Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Gay
Tags: Fiction, General
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and then he said, I flatter myself that I know something of human nature. I can read people. Ifit were simply a matter of the fifteen thousand dollars, I’d pay it and be done with it. However…there was something in the Tyler woman’s eyes. It was clear she means to ruin me. She’ll take the money and then want more. Or perhaps they’ve already had copies of the pictures made and she’ll show them about anyway. There was a vindictiveness in her face. Utter viciousness.
    This utter viciousness, where do you reckon it came from? Wait a minute. I’m gettin an insight into human nature. Let me guess. You was doin things of an intimate nature to thisTyler gal, and then your attention wandered to this gal who was politically connected, and the Tyler gal got pissed and aims to run you out of the undertakin business.
    It’s not necessary to ridicule me.
    Then quit actin like I’m a goddamn fool. Quit jerkin me around and get on with it. Make me an offer or get the hell out of here.
    Very well. I’ll give you the money. All fifteen thousand dollars, half now and the rest when I have the pictures. I’m sure you could use a sum of money like that in your…legal difficulties. I’ve had no experience in that area, but I’m sure that would buy several lawyers.
    Judges is what I’m shoppin for. And why are you goin roundabout like this if she offered to sell you the pictures straight out?
    I told you. She wants to ruin me.
    Sutter had an actual insight of his own then into human nature. He gave Breece an acute look. It’s not just the pictures, he said. They’ve got some kind of a deathlock on you and you want it off. You want me to kill them.
    No, no, certainly not. I can’t condone murder, hire murderdone.
    Sure you can. You just don’t want to know about it. You don’t even want to say it. You keep dancin all around it. You want me to do it for you.
    You must be aware that you have a certain reputation. Your words would carry more weight than mine. Perhaps violence wouldn’t be necessary. Perhaps you could just talk to them.
    Perhaps I could.
    Breece was hesitant. How many…how many people have you killed?
    You don’t owe me for them.
    Will you tell me that if I tell you something of my own past?
    What is this, you show me yours and I show you mine? I don’t care about your past. And whatever I done, I done it because it was what I had to do at the time and it’s yesterday’s news anyhow.
    I’m aware you killed Conkle. I could hardly have avoided knowing that. Breece hesitated, studying Sutter warily. But this was business, and money had been promised. He didn’t have it on him, and that weighed in his favor.
    You killed Conkle and laid a poker in his hand so you could claim self-defense. But Conkle was righthanded and you put the poker in the left hand. How smart was that?
    In the warm halflight Sutter was smiling. I knowed he was righthanded.
    Say you did? Then why did you mess up?
    Sutter’s voice grew confidential, conspiratorial. I’ll let you in on a little secret. I didn’t mess up. I did it on purpose.
    Why would you do a thing like that?
    I don’t know. For sport, maybe. For sport? What the hell kind of an answer is that?
    For sport, you know what sport is, don’t you. Anyway, I done it. And I’d not have even as sorry a piece of shit as you thinkin I didn’t know whether a man I was about to kill was righthanded or lefthanded.
    Well. I was just curious. I killed someone myself once, while I was still in college. I killed a whore in Memphis.
    Sutter just gave him a quick glance of dismissal as if murdered Memphis whores did not quite meet whatever arcane criteria he judged peers by. He leant and spit into the fire and rose and laid another stick of wood in the sparking coals.
    I killed her with a Pop-Cola bottle.
    This evinced some small interest. I expect that would do it, Sutter allowed.
    Breece fell silent. Perhaps wandering down the alleys and byways of his curious past. Other whores, other

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