Twin Stars 1: Ascension

Twin Stars 1: Ascension by Robyn Paterson

Book: Twin Stars 1: Ascension by Robyn Paterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn Paterson
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    “Leederman, what’s our status?”
    The young man had taken the operations seat, he was second rank bridge crew, but the woman whose seat he had taken had died in the docking ring, and he was next in line. All around the bridge Ping An could see other second rankers settling into positions they normally only occupied during the off shifts when nothing was expected to happen.
    Now they’re the main crew. She mused. My crew.
    “Ships systems are green, all Gunrigs are ready for launch, assault shuttles are prepped and boarding crews are loaded.” Leederman reported, swiveling to look at her. “Awaiting your orders, Captain.”
    The rest of the bridge crew followed suite- all eyes were on her. She was Camus’s Number Two and the logical choice.
    This is it.
    “Leederman, give me your assessment of the situation.”
    “Okay,” he nodded, then called up a holographic display. “The transfer station is in a decaying orbit,” he told them. “Someone has used the stationkeeping systems to push it toward the planet, and while we were en-route back to the ship there was another explosion in the command hub. It’s a safe bet those freaks from the docking zone were behind it- that bastard you fought said that he was trying to make sure nobody got away. My bet is we’re not dealing with a pirate clan, and there’s no sign of any other pirate ships in the area. The only defense ship nearby is that Cutter, and it’s crippled and next to useless.”
    Ping An smiled inwardly; she hadn’t been the only one preparing for their moment. “I agree.”
    “So, if you want my opinion- I think we should make our move now and grab what we can while there’s still cargo to snatch.”
    “How long before they hit atmosphere?”
    “Two hours, twenty three minutes,” one of the crew reported.
    She nodded and looked back at Leederman. “And you think we should go into that, Leederman? Despite the risk?”
    She saw him hesitate, and made her move.
    “Too risky, I’m not going to lose any more people today.” She dismissed his plan with a wave of her hand. “You’re also missing the obvious- take a look out there in orbit around the station- what do you see?”
    “Uhh,” Leederman looked at the display. “Ships?”
    “How many” She pressed.
    “Owned by who?”
    “Merchants, Companies, and people who fled the station.”
    “So why should we try to board a burning station to get cargo when our targets have already come out to us? Do you think any of them can put up a fight?”
    She gave them a moment to let that sink in, she was the top dog now - there would be no challengers, and then she continued. “Bring us in slowly, and try not to get too close to the station. If the transfer station goes down, we grab the small fry and go, but, if they save the station.” She paused and smiled. “Then it’s all ours.”
    * * *
    Aboard the transfer station, sirens echoed through empty streets.
    Mere hours ago, the habitat zone had been alive with revelry, and now…Lieutenant Albert Tysen walked among the desolation, frowning at the senseless chaos of it all.
    “Any word from Sir Fawn?” He asked, turning to look at his companion. Esther was kneeling down nearby in front of the remains of a jewelery stall, picking up the scattered goods in a childlike gesture. She looked up at him and shook her head.
    “You could evacuate,” she told him. “This station will soon be destroyed.”
    He took note of the word “you” in that sentence.
    “You’re not leaving?”
    “No,” she said, a hint of sadness entering her normally calm demeanor. “I must wait for Sir Fawn to return.”
    “And if he’s dead?”
    Tysen regretted the question immediately- how could he have said something so cruel? Even though she was a Squire she could still have feelings, and here he was crushing her hopes out of a selfish desire for…what?
    But if Esther felt anything at his words, she didn’t show it.
    “Then...I will

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