Twisted Rose: Motorcycle Dark Romance 3 (The Darkness Trilogy)

Twisted Rose: Motorcycle Dark Romance 3 (The Darkness Trilogy) by Abby Weeks Page A

Book: Twisted Rose: Motorcycle Dark Romance 3 (The Darkness Trilogy) by Abby Weeks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abby Weeks
Tags: Fiction, Literary, Suspense, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, Womens
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killed Serge when he had the chance?
    He’d known Serge was responsible for Rose’s capture. But what he hadn’t known was just how much he’d damaged Rose. He hadn’t realized how important it would be for her to see that these men found justice. Plus, if he was being absolutely truthful to himself, he hadn’t had a taste for it. He’d already killed Rex Savage, the man who’d arranged for Rose’s kidnapping, and that had given him some sense of vengeance. But there was more to it. He’d known that vengeance wasn’t really all it was cracked up to be. It was a hollow victory, like winning a game that no one was watching. There was no joy in taking revenge, only a lonely sense of finality.
    He’d wanted to kill Rex for ten years for killing his father and that hunger for vengeance had kept him going for many years. But once he’d done it he’d realized how empty it was. It hadn’t made him feel any different. It hadn’t brought his father back. He’d avenged his father’s death and he knew that was important, but it hadn’t felt the way he’d imagined it would feel.
    He’d imagined that killing his father’s killer would have given him a sense of closure. He’d thought it would end that chapter in his life, that dark history he carried around like a burden. And to an extent it had. But it had also left him with a strange, empty feeling.
    He knew that some men got pleasure from killing. He’d seen it with his own eyes. He’d seen men who looked like they’d orgasmed after killing someone. It gave them that same sense of satisfaction that sex did. But to Josh, killing another man was a difficult, painful job. He didn’t relish it. He didn’t relish the fact that he was going to do it again. He didn’t want to kill anyone.
    If he could, he was going to kill all the men who’d wronged Rose. For her, he would do it. If that meant causing himself some pain, so be it. He’d get Serge and he’d get Fat Boy. They were the two most important. But if he could he’d also get Deuce. Deuce was president of the chapter and ultimately responsible for everything that had happened to Rose. And he knew that the old man out at the Cat, Murdoch, was also responsible. All of them had a price to pay. They’d played a mean game, and that game carried a mean price.

    J OSH CHAIN-SMOKED AS HE watched the clubhouse. He sat there for more than two hours until the first bike pulled up out front. There were two other bikes already parked there and this was the third. That meant three men were inside. The guy who got off the bike looked young. He wasn’t Serge. Josh could see enough to see that much. He wasn’t Fat Boy either. Josh had never seen Fat Boy but this guy was too thin for a name like that.
    His plan was to wait for Serge to arrive and then go in. He didn’t know if he’d find his other targets in there but getting Serge was the most important thing.
    The morning wore on and the main street began to get more traffic. People drove by in pickups and big SUVs. They needed vehicles like that to survive the harsh winters. Spring was finally arriving but there was still a real bite when the wind got up. The businesses and stores along the street began to open up and the parking spots along the sidewalks filled. Josh felt better with more people on the street. He was less obvious lurking in the alleyway.
    Two more bikers arrived and parked their bikes out front. Neither rider looked like Serge. Josh began to get worried that Serge wouldn’t arrive. Or that he would only arrive when the clubhouse was full of guys. If there were too many guys in there his plan wouldn’t work.
    And plan was a very generous term for what Josh intended to do. His idea was to walk straight into the clubhouse like he belonged there. With an MC as big as the DRMC, there was always the chance that if you just walked into the clubhouse no one would stop you. No single member knew everyone else and they didn’t know everything that was

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