Twisted Rose: Motorcycle Dark Romance 3 (The Darkness Trilogy)

Twisted Rose: Motorcycle Dark Romance 3 (The Darkness Trilogy) by Abby Weeks

Book: Twisted Rose: Motorcycle Dark Romance 3 (The Darkness Trilogy) by Abby Weeks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abby Weeks
Tags: Fiction, Literary, Suspense, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, Womens
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him could make a life together without any more violence. They could find some place where the DRMC would never find them and they could live peacefully and happily.
    She was touched that he wanted to fight for her, that he wanted to get the guys who had hurt her, but it wasn’t necessary. She’d seen too much of what that sort of violence achieved. People got killed. Her father and all his friends in the Sioux Rangers had been killed. She didn’t want that for Josh. She didn’t want to go through all that again. She didn’t want to be alone again.
    She wanted Josh back in one piece. She didn’t want justice, not if it meant Josh risking his life. She wanted happiness. As she reached the highway and built up speed on the open road she had one thought in mind. She had to get to Josh before he did something crazy, something that he wouldn’t be able to undo.

    J OSH PULLED HIS BIKE DOWN an alley off of Rue Lévis close to the main street of Val-d’Or. A dawn breeze came in over the town and he tightened his jacket and collar against it. The DRMC clubhouse was on the main street and he went to the end of the alley where he could overlook it.
    The clubhouse was a squat, concrete building. He took a packet of cigarettes from his pocket and opened it. There wasn’t any traffic on the street yet. He looked at his watch. It was just after six. He lit his cigarette and took a long draw. It helped calm his nerves.
    He wasn’t sure why he was feeling so jumpy. He wasn’t afraid of anyone in the clubhouse. They were mean men, dangerous men, but Josh had long ago purged himself of fear for men like that. He’d been a biker all his life. He’d come up against his share of tough guys back in New York as a child. The Black Rodeo, his father’s old club, had its share. Then the Montreal prison system had shown him what it was really like to have his back against the wall. He’d seen it all. He’d been beaten up. He’d had a knife to his throat. He’d had guns pulled on him.
    He wasn’t scared of the DRMC. He wasn’t even scared of Serge Gauthier and the infamous Deuce, the Val-d’Or chapter president. He wasn’t afraid of being hurt or even of being killed. He’d lived most of his life waiting for death and it didn’t frighten him now. At least, he didn’t think it did.
    There was something different, though, about the way he felt now. He wasn’t the man he’d been. Before he met Rose he had nothing to live for. Now he did. And that meant he had something to lose. It would hurt to lose the chance of a life with Rose but it was a pain he was willing to suffer if it meant reclaiming her dignity. These were the men who’d raped and abused her and they deserved justice. Rose deserved justice.
    He took another drag on his cigarette and watched the clubhouse. It looked empty but Josh knew there was probably someone sleeping inside. The DRMC was the biggest club in Quebec but they still had a lot of enemies. They’d singlehandedly wiped out all the other gangs in the province and that created a lot of enemies. Their enemies might be weak, there weren’t any MC’s left to oppose the DRMC, but they existed. Josh knew they did. They were lone wolves like himself, guys who the DRMC hadn’t managed to kill or didn’t even know existed. Guys who remembered what the DRMC had done. And so, they rarely left a clubhouse undefended even if only by a guy or two who slept there at night.
    Josh set himself up for a wait. He needed to know who was in the clubhouse and who wasn’t. He knew who he wanted to get. The names he’d heard from Rose were Serge Gauthier and Fat Boy. He’d had a chance to kill Serge back at the Cat and he’d missed it. He hadn’t had any taste for revenge that day. He’d been too distracted by the prospect of freeing Rose. He could have shot Serge and a few of his friends right then and there but he’d failed. Now he had to come back to finish the job.
    He thought about that. Why hadn’t he

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