Twisted Tale of Stormy Gale
shirt lay open, I rubbed my cheek against his chest, back and forth, then lower, pressing soft, sucking kisses to his tense abdomen. He trembled.
    I unbuttoned his pants, then pushed them down over muscular thighs until he was naked. He was a large man in every sense, and I felt a trickle of unrest as I eyed what he had brought to the party. Holy giant schlong, Batman! I started to think about the limitations of the female anatomy at that point and wondered if maybe Dev needed to find himself a heartier lass, but was distracted as he seized that moment to kiss me senseless once again.
    Filing my concern in the “cross that bridge when we came to it” part of my brain, I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and fell back against the bed, pulling him with me. The weight of him was luscious. I felt warm and safe beneath him. He pulled his mouth from mine and pinched my earlobe between his teeth and released. He roamed downward, pressing his lips to my jaw, then to the pulse that leaped in my neck. One big, firm hand closed over my breast and I whimpered with satisfaction as he tugged and teased. I couldn’t get close enough, and arched my hips against his, grinding against him.
    He looked down at me and said through gritted teeth, “It’d be better if you didn’t do that.”
    I grinned and, grasping his magnificent, juicy bottom in both hands, swiveled my hips again in a slow circle. He issued a muffled curse and lowered his mouth to my chest, flicking my nipple with his tongue, then drawing it into his hot mouth. It was my turn to curse as my hips pulsed against his of their own accord. He turned his attention to my other breast as one hand snaked down my side, over my ribs, trailing my hip. He half rolled off me to his side, splayed his open palm over the cloth of my panties and squeezed. I let out a squeak and he smiled. He grabbed the cloth and gave a sharp tug, breaking the strings with a snap. A moment later his hand covered my already moist heat and a finger slid down my core. “Oh God, Dev, please, just…” I was too far gone to care that I was begging.
    “Just what, love?” he whispered as he flexed his long finger deep inside me.
    I reached for him then, wrapping my own fingers around his swollen sex, and held him tight, stroking up, then down. He groaned, pulling my hand away, then rolled back to cover me.
    “Next time,” he muttered under his breath, and spread my legs with his knee.
    Both of us held our breath as he probed with his thick, hard length and found his mark. Flexing his hips, he stared into my eyes as he pressed, inch by exquisite inch, into my waiting heat. His arms shook with the effort of holding back as my body stretched to receive him. Finally he was buried, seated deep inside me, and it felt so right.
    I tried to savor the sensation, tried to stay still as my body clenched around him in gentle waves. Soon it became too much, and I began to bounce my hips against his, pulling at his backside with my hands. Eyes blazing, jaw clenched, with his dark mop of curls, he looked like some sort of avenging angel come to life. He took my wrists in his hands and held them down against the bed over my head, pulling back and sliding deep as he did.
    I moaned as he pulled away again, only to gasp when he came back, filling me once more. He worked his hips long and slow, despite my attempts to urge him faster. He was relentless, and my body was like a wire about to snap. I started to shake as the pressure began to build, heat suffusing my whole body, skin tingling.
    “Yes, that’s it, love. Come on,” he said, his voice an urgent whisper as he thrust faster and deeper.
    He bent his head low and sucked my nipple into his mouth, giving a long pull as he plunged forward. Then I was flying. I let out a yelp as my body imploded in hard, smashing waves, clenching tight over him again and again. As tremors still racked my body, Devlin stiffened above me and shouted, quaking and straining, pinning me

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