Tyburn: The Story of London's Gallows

Tyburn: The Story of London's Gallows by Robert Bard

Book: Tyburn: The Story of London's Gallows by Robert Bard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Bard
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quarteryde, and every parte to be sende unto dyvers placys by assygnement of the judgys. Whyche personys were thes: Arteys the bastarde of the sayde Duke of Glouceter, Syr Rogger Chambyrlayne knyght, Mylton squyer, Thomas Harberde squyer, Nedam yeman, whyche were the sayde 14 day of Juylle drawen from St Gofgys thoroughe owte Sowthewerke and on Londyn Brygge, ande so forthe thorowe the cytte of London to the Tyborne, and there alle they were hanggyde, and the ropys smetyn asondyr, they beynge alle lyvynge, and thenne, ar any more of any markys of excecusyon were done, the Duke of Sowthefolke (Suffolk) brought them alle yn generalle pardon and grace from our lorde and soverayne Kynge Harry the vi.
    1495 The 22. of Februarie were arraigned in Guildhall at London foure persons, to witte, Thomas Bagnall, John Scot, John Hethe, and John Kenington, the which were Sanctuarie men of Saint Martin le grand in London, and lately before taken thence, for forging seditious libels, to the slander of the King, and some of his Councell: for the which three of them were adjudged to die, & the fourth named Bagnall, pleaded to be restored to sanctuary: by reason whereof he was reprived to the Tower till the next terme. 14
    1495 In this year Perkin Warbeck, a pretender, ‘A yoongman, of visage beautifull, of countenance demure, of wit subtil’, made a descent on the English coasts: ‘But Perken would not set one foote out of his Shippe, till he sawe all thinges sure; yet he permitted some of his Souldiours to goe on lande, which being trained forth a prettie way from their Shippes, and seeing they coulde have no comfort of the Countrey, they withdrew againe to their Shippes: at which withdrawing, the Major of Sandwich, with certaine commons of the Countrey, bickered with the residue that were uppon lande, and tooke alive of them 169 persons, among the which were five Captaines Mountfort, Corbet, White Belt, Quintin & Genine. And on the twelfth of Julie, Syr John Pechy, Sheriffe of Kent, bought unto London bridge those 169. persons, where the Sheriffes of London, Nicholas Alwine and John Warner received and conveied them, railed in robes like horses in a cart, unto the tower of London, and to Newgate, and shortlie after to the number of 150 were hanged about the sea coasts in Kent, Essex, Sussex, and Norffolk; the residue were executed at Tiborne and at Wapping … and Perken fled into Flanders.’ 15
    1499 Perkyn (of whome rehersall was made before) beyng now in holde, coulde not leave with the destruccion of him selfe, and confusion of other that had associate them selfes with him, but began now to study which way to flye & escape. For he by false persuasions and liberall promises corrupted Strangweyes, Blewet, Astwood and Jon Rogier hys kepers, beynge servantes to sir John Dygby, lieutenaunt. In so muche that they (as it was at their araynment openly proved) entended to have slayn the sayde Master, and to have set Perkyn and the Erle of Warwyke at large; which Earle was by them made privy of this enterprice, & thereunto (as all naturall creatures love libertie) to his destruccion assented. But this craftie device and subtil imagination, beyng opened and disclosed, sorted to none effect, and so he beyng repulsed and put back from all hope and good lucke with all hys complices and confederates, and John Awater sometyme Mayre of Corffe in Ireland, one of his founders, and his sonne, were the sixteen daye of Novembre arreyned and comdemned at Westmynster. And on the three and twenty daye of the same moneth, Perkyn and John Awater were drawen to Tyborne, and there Perkyn standyng on a little skaffolde, read hys confession, which before you have heard, and toke it on hys death to be true, and so he and John Awater asked the kyng forgevenes and dyed paciently. 16
    1502 Upon Monday, beyng the second day of May, was kept at the Guyld hall of London an hour determyne, where sat the Mayre, the Duke of Bokyngham, The earle of Oxford, with many other

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