meant for him anyway.” Poor Bruno, he didn’t know what she inadvertently signed him up for.
    “Don’t be stupid. I’m giving you five minutes to get dressed.”
    “I’m not going anywhere with you. I can handle myself, so please leave.”
    “Why the hell do you have to be so stubborn? Your pride is going to get you killed, Glitterbug. Just let me help you. ”
    “My pride is all I have left and I’d prefer anyone else’s help but yours.”
    “Get dressed, or I’m carrying you out of here as you are.”
    “Have you ever considered that being around you is what might get me killed in the first place? We don’t know what I’m dealing with. The best thing you could do is leave since you could be the problem here.” Whatever doubt she tried to instill in him had zero effect. He believed her aunts. He believed the counter-spell.
    “Do you honestly believe I feel anything, anything for you at all and that’s why I prevented the opposing spell?”
    “Is that why you want me gone, because you do?” His deep voice, soft and hoarse, undressed her nerves, leaving them hot and raw.
    “My aunts messed up their spell, hence the situation I’m in. It will be fixed, I’m certain about that.”
    He closed the distance between them. She backed away. He carried on regardless of her retreat.
    “Say it, Michelle. Say your feelings for me run so deep no spell could undo them.”
    “I’d be lying,” she whispered. His large hands cupped her face, his lips inches from hers.
    “You’d be lying if you don’t.” His lips brushed across her mouth, his tongue wet the seam. She trembled against him, her mind melting into oblivion.
    “Say you wanted me, Michelle, in spite of the spell, before the spell.” His leg slipped between hers—her robe opened, allowing him easy access. “I need to hear you say it.” He shifted the weight of his body. Her naked pussy brushed against his thigh. Pure rousing need filtered through her. She gasped for breath. He captured her mouth and filled it with untamed desire.
    Clear, concise thrills of passion streamed into her blood, unhindered by magic, immaculately natural. She clung to him, his mouth, his body. Her hand tore at his chest—desperate to climb into his skin and feel his violent heartbeat from the inside. She ran out of air and didn’t care—his touch, when she was this clearheaded, nourished the morsels of her soul. She poured herself into him, forgot caution, holding back, being untouchable. Wore down her own defenses until she sagged against him, mewling, whimpering, begging to crawl inside him.
    He took her in, matching and exceeding her need with his superior strength. His hands fell from her face to her waist, lifted her off the floor and backed her into a wall. His chest crushed her breasts, his mouth bruised her lips. His cock, rock hard, possessed her body without penetrating her. He broke the kiss. Her lips swelled as he licked down her throat and back up again, whispering against her jaw. “Say it, sweetheart.”
    Incredible green eyes defused her defensive armor. She’d tell him anything he wanted to hear. But that. His tongue dipped into the side of her neck, his teeth gently pinching the skin there.
    “I’ll never be Catherine Simmers.”
    “What?” He lifted his head, his silky brows drawn together.
    “Catherine Simmers?” Recognition unfolded in his eyes. “You wanted her, remember?”
    A knock on the door barred him from replying. Aunt Surtie entered. Michelle’s cheeks grew hot as she moved away from Sebastian, her robe sealed and closed her nakedness as he removed his thigh from between her legs.
    She took a breather as she stared at the sight of her jovial aunts, smiling as if there were no tomorrow for having matched the pair of them, and Sebastian in all his magnificence overshadowing everything around her.
    “What’s going to happen to me?”
    “Ah, child, nothing so bad as to just wear the spell out.”
    “With Sebastian?”
    “He is

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