fare better if I just agree with you?”
    “Turn over. And yes. It’s a good game plan.”
    She rolled over and winced a little as he pushed up her skirt. “I’m going to feel that tomorrow, aren’t I?”
    His palm covered her cheek. “Yes, but it should just be a nice ache. There aren’t any welts. I didn’t break the skin.”
    “That’s a good thing, right?” She sighed a little as she settled down. The massage table had been covered with a silky sheet. It was cool against her skin. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so relaxed.
    His hands started to rub her flesh, long strokes that made her feel like every muscle was turning to jelly. “It is for you. There are some people who like more of a bite. I think you’re just going to be a light-pain junkie.”
    She was so curious about him. “Do you like to leave marks?”
    “I would rather know that you remember the pleasure I can give you, whether it’s from some erotic pain or pure sexual pleasure.”
    Just like that she felt herself stiffen up.
    “Hey, calm down. Are you afraid?” His hands changed to soothing strokes down her legs.
    Afraid? Yes and no. “I’m worried you won’t like me when you realize I’m not one of those girls who can…”
    It seemed so easy for him to say it. “Yes. I read somewhere that not every woman can.”
    His hands were dangerously close to the junction of her thighs. “Turn over again. I need to see something.”
    Why did they have to talk about this? She’d been so happy. He was insistent, his hands moving her. She finally rolled over. He’d been kind to her. Maybe it was for the best they get this out of the way. She’d been looking forward to the next couple of weeks of their contract, but if he was thinking she was going to be some kind of sex kitten, then he should find out the truth about her sooner rather than later.
    Her skirt was around her waist. A moment ago she hadn’t minded. Hell, she hadn’t even thought about it when he was spanking her. When she’d realized that twenty or so people had watched the whole thing, she’d merely wondered if a curtsy would get her spanked again.
    Now the tone changed, and she could feel all of her insecurities creeping back.
    He was looking at her pussy. He was just staring at it. God, she’d never really looked at it. She wasn’t the kind of girl who looked at herself in the mirror for long periods of time, much less one who inspected her own pussy. And he could see her C-section scar, though he seemed to be avoiding that.
    “You look like you have all the right parts.”
    Sure she did. They just didn’t work properly. “Keith, it’s all right. You don’t have to try to prove anything to me.”
    His face suddenly loomed over hers. “If you don’t stop talking, I’m going to put a ball gag in your mouth.”
    She almost protested and then thought better of it. He’d made good on all of his promises up until now. She was pretty sure if there was ever a place to randomly find a ball gag sitting around, it was Sanctum.
    He nodded, obviously satisfied that she intended to comply. “Very good. Now, when I ask a direct question, you can answer me, but other than that, I want silence. Oh, unless you feel the need to moan. Moaning, screaming in pleasure, and calling out my name are perfectly acceptable. Look at that. You just got your first lesson in protocol. We’re moving along quite nicely.”
    Wow. Not being able to reply really sucked. She was forced to stay where she was.
    “Now, like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, you have all the right parts for an orgasm. Do you masturbate often?”
    She felt her skin flush.
    “That was a direct question, sweetheart. You can answer.”
    Where was the ball gag when she needed it? “What if I don’t want to answer?”
    He shrugged a little. “If you don’t answer, I’ll decide you don’t like to talk and would prefer to spend the time I would devote to conversations learning

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