Undercover Virgin
music and studying the darkness beyond the windows of the car. Rianna had picked up a map at the rest area, so she navigated them through southern
. By daybreak, they were nearing their destination.
    "Where are we heading now?"
    "I think Somerset is one of the largest towns in the lake area," she said. "It's not too big, but it offers the basics. If I remember correctly, there are several docks, and check-in times at the marinas are about the same as most hotels."
    " Marina ?"
    "I'm planning to rent a houseboat if there's one available," she explained, glancing at him and wondering if he was going to bail out on her now. "The lake is huge, so you can disappear for days at a time without anyone checking up on you."
    "You can actually stay out on the water?"
    "It's been years since I was there, but I remember cruising around until we needed to refuel. At night, we'd set the anchor near the shoreline and stay put. Either way, you avoid contact with civilization."
    "You've vacationed there in the past?"
    "Once, a long time ago." The thought made her melancholy, but she tried to shrug it off. "How about you? Are you interested in staying or do you want to head on home? I don't see any possible way I can be traced now, so you don't need to feel obligated."
    "I said I'll stick with you until Sullivan makes other arrangements."
    "What about your family? Do you need to get home to a wife or kids or a partner of some sort?"
    Tremont threw her a rakish grin. "'Partner of some sort'?"
    "Partner, as in significant other or anyone who expects you home soon."
    "Fishing for more details about my private life?"
    The man really could be maddening. Rianna gritted her teeth. "I think it's important that I know the basics," she insisted.
    "What you see is what you get," he finally said. "I don't have to account to anyone for my whereabouts. Not even Sullivan, since I already honored my promise to help you escape Haroldson's estate."
    "No regular job? Are you one of those independently wealthy men who risks his life for kicks?"
    Tremont's gruff chuckle rippled over Rianna like a sweet, sexy melody. Her heart thudded uncharacteristically. She scolded herself for the foolish reaction, realizing how desperately she needed sleep.
    "I'm not rich, that's for sure. Unless you count the fact that I own my own little place. I'm self-employed. Nothing out of the ordinary."
    No way would Rianna ever consider this man ordinary. He might prefer to think of himself that way, but she couldn't.
    "Do you know anything about boating or fishing?"
    "Not much."
    Neither did she, but they were intelligent, resourceful adults. They could learn.
    Conversation lagged as they covered the last hundred miles of their journey. The sun was rising behind them as they reached the outskirts of Somerset .
    Their first stop was another convenience store and refueling station. They filled the gas tank and bought souvenir T-shirts. Then they freshened up with a change of shirts to cut the risk of being recognized. They'd drastically changed their looks since leaving the coast, but it didn't hurt to cover every angle.
    Next they found a small roadside restaurant and took their time over breakfast and coffee. When the place started to get crowded, they drove into town. Rianna asked Tremont to stop at the local post office.
    He stayed in the car while she rented a post office box and bought two padded envelopes. In one, she mailed herself extra cash and a fake driver's license at her personal P.O. box, knowing the post office was the safest place to hide it in case of another emergency.
    She used the second envelope to mail all her jewelry to her adoptive aunt Margaret's address in
. It was a risk to mail anything so valuable, but the necklace, bracelet and rings were all gifts from Gregory. They held no sentimental value. If she ever got a chance to sell them, she'd make good use of the money, but she wouldn't be destitute if the jewelry got damaged or lost.
    They spent

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