
UndertheInfluence by Ava Adele

Book: UndertheInfluence by Ava Adele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Adele
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    Jessie Daniels put a lead foot down on the accelerator of
her old Civic, and watched the city lights fade in her rearview. She was having
a terrible night. The least she could do was get home to a hot bath and a
bottle of wine.
    By herself.
    The worst part was that she looked incredible, and she had
been determined to get laid tonight. She knew she looked incredible because she’d spent hours selecting the right
slutty costume, doing her make up, changing her shoes, adjusting her cleavage.
She knew she was a knock out when she left the house, and she was probably
still a knock out now, even if she was pissed off.
    And none of it mattered.
    Travis was supposed to be a sure thing, if not the best
thing. But still better than nothing. And by the time she got to the party,
posed perfectly in front of the door in her skimpy nurse uniform, stethoscope
at the ready, his stoner roommate had to answer the door because he was already
throwing up in the bathroom while the party raged around him. A Halloween party
full of Travis’ loser friends. Even in the state she was, Jessie wouldn’t stoop
that low. So here she was, on the road, going home to her empty apartment.
    And horny as hell. Dammit, she thought, and pushed down on
the accelerator a little more. The thought of her vibrator just depressed her.
It had been too long since she’d had a real, live, fuck, and it was getting to
seem unfair. Like she was cursed, or something. She shifted in her seat, almost
overflowing with sex, and with no one around to appreciate it. Please, she
thought to the universe, just this once, can I have a man just show up out of
nowhere? I don’t care if he falls out of the sky. I’ll give him right back. I
just want him tonight.
    That’s about when she saw the lights flashing in her
rearview mirror.
    That’ll teach me, she thought to herself, and sighed. She
eyed her glove box, which was already stuffed full of tickets she’d always
meant to deal with “later.” She would be lucky if she didn’t get arrested.
    Or maybe I’ll be lucky if I do, Jessie thought to herself,
and grinned. She shook her head, trying to banish those naughty thoughts. She
really couldn’t afford any more tickets, and she definitely couldn’t afford to
piss of any cops. She had to get a hold of herself.
    Still, she couldn’t help smiling as she pulled over to the
side of the highway, which she knew, objectively speaking, was insane. This
isn’t a movie, she told herself. Watch, he’ll probably be fat, and old, and
when he leans over my window it’ll be exceedingly gross to see him checking out
my boobs. She studied her rearview mirror again to confirm her suspicions.
    The man who got out of the squad car was definitely not fat.
She felt her stomach curl in knots, and told herself to calm down. She couldn’t
even see properly, she told herself. So what if the silhouette walking towards
her was tall, and broad, and had a great, confident stride.
    Deep breaths, Jessie, she thought. Deep breaths.
    She was still trying in vain to get to her special place
when she was startled by the knock on the window. A powerful flashlight
illuminated the inside of her car. She squinted into it, and rolled down her
window. She couldn’t see a damn thing.
    “Can you turn your overhead light on, ma’am?”
    Jesus, that voice. She suppressed a giggle, and tried to be
serious. This was serious.
    “I’m sorry, officer, but it doesn’t work.” There was a
silence. She squeezed her hands on the steering wheel. “I’m really sorry.”
    “That’s all right ma’am,” he said finally. She couldn’t be
sure, but the flashlight seemed mostly focused on her boobs. Probably not on
purpose, she knew, but she found herself sticking them out as far as she could
anyway. She actually felt her nipples go hard against her skimpy costume. She
was sure he could see, and the thought turned her on. Christ, what was wrong
with her? She hadn’t a drop to drink, and felt…drunk.

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