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Book: Undone by R. E. Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. E. Hunter
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Yes”—Embry smiled at Luke—”we had a nice night. He’s just heading out so I can get some studying done.”
    “Cool. I want details. I’m leaving campus now. I had a late night in the library. I’ll stop in on my way home.”
    Embry heard the click as Morgan hung up, and she stared at her phone. “How does she do that?”
    Luke folded her in his arms as he kissed a path up her neck. “Do what?”
    “Morgan just invited herself over,” she said, laughing. “I told you I’m never alone for long.”
    “Good, I don’t like the thought of you alone.” He looked down at her intently. “I better get my goodnight kiss before we’re interrupted.”
    Embry didn’t have a chance to answer. Luke’s lips covered hers, and his tongue swept into her mouth. Embry went with it, enjoying the slow rhythm of the kiss. She pulled back first, placed a chaste kiss on his lips, and nuzzled into his chest. She loved his spicy, sexy scent and the feel of his arms wrapped around her.
    Luke gazed down at her once more, and shot her a panty-dropping smile as he released her. He walked out the door, turning at the landing. “Night, Embry.”
    “Night,” she said as she stood in the doorway.
    “Morgan,” Luke said, on his way down the stairs.
    “Oh hey, Luke, fancy seeing you here,” her best friend called as she passed him. Looking up at Embry, Morgan sighed. “He’s dreamy.”
    “Tell me about it.” Embry pulled Morgan inside to catch her up on their date.

    The next few weeks flew by. Embry’s work load was more than anything she could have imagined, but she somehow kept up. On top of her class schedule and homework, she was working on research for Professor Coleman and trying to make time to see Luke.
    They texted almost every day and talked on the phone as much as possible, but with little free time, they had no choice but to slow things down and really get to know each other. Luke seemed reluctant to talk about his family, but from the little he’d said, Embry pictured a well-off southern family. She imagined his parents living in a large plantation house surrounded by weeping willows and gorgeous old oak trees. She had no idea if that was accurate, but she liked to think so.
    His father owned some sort of corporation in Georgia, and Luke’s brother, Camden, helped run the company. Luke used to handle the legal side of the family business, but he was taking a step back and focusing on his solo practice . His favorite color was blue—which, coincidentally, had become Embry’s new favorite since it reminded her of his gorgeous eyes. He worked out religiously, lived for Georgia football, and loved southern cooking and country music. The football team and music preferences were something she would have to work on.
    Luke hadn’t been around campus much, and when he was, he was almost … stand-offish. They’d met for lunch a few times at his office in Oyster Bay, and Embry got the feeling he didn’t want to be seen around campus with her. Morgan chocked it up to their age difference or him being uncomfortable that he was working with one of the professors and dating a student. Embry thought maybe he just didn’t want to get too serious. Either way, she didn’t want to scare him off, so she left it alone and enjoyed what time she did have with him.

    Embry walked across campus with Jeremy for a coffee break. The café in their law school was pretty good, but she wasn’t human without her Starbucks. Luckily, the student hub had one.
    “So who’s on deck for this weekend?” Embry asked, elbowing Jeremy’s arm.
    “Don’t you mean ‘what’?” he responded.
    She raised an eyebrow. “You know exactly what I mean.”
    Jeremy rolled his eyes. “Can’t get anything past you.”
    “Fine,” he said, faking annoyance. “Kim, section five.”
    “Ah hah!” She pumped her fist in the air. “I knew it!”
    “I’ve never seen another girl get so excited about my

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