Unexpectedly You

Unexpectedly You by Lily Santana

Book: Unexpectedly You by Lily Santana Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Santana
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for a quick exit. She’d used up the last of her cash earlier to buy gas. She waved her hands frantically to catch Jack’s attention, but he was swamped with orders as the crowd thickened past the happy hour.
    She turned to the couple again to thank them, but they were preoccupied watching the highlight of the evening local news. When she noticed most everyone in the bar area was watching, she followed suit and froze.
    In his dark blue suit and looking straight at the camera, Mitch McKenna appeared professional, successful and livid. The reporter held the microphone to his face while in the background, a group of her neighbors held up signs that said Keep Bella Small.
    The volume was turned down so Emma couldn’t hear the interview, but the close-up of Mitch’s face showed worry creases around his mouth and the glint of anger in his gaze. She’d seen that look many times before.
    Her heart knocked against her chest and she strained her neck to catch Jack’s attention. She had to get out of here before Mitch saw her. She had no doubt he was livid and that he’d blame her. This latest PR disaster was the last thing he needed with the Planning Council decision around the corner.
    Please let me get out of here before he sees me.
    “Emma, Emma, Emma.”
    The silky smooth drawl sent a shiver up her spine. McKenna wedged his body between her and the hippie couple. His legs brushed up against her knees, and a shot of electricity jolted through her. His breath, which fanned her face, smelled of liquor. Was he drunk?
    With his back against the bar, he crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m surprised to see you here alone. Where’s Bruin? Thought maybe you and he would be celebrating.”
    She swallowed a lump in her throat so she could speak. “Celebrating what? I came in to say hi to Jack, but I’m on my way out.”
    “You can’t leave yet. I want to buy you a drink. Wait, I can’t buy you a drink. I can’t afford it. You know why? I lost another three thousand dollars today because I couldn’t begin work.”
    She tapped her fingers impatiently on the bar, waiting for Jack to notice her. “I don’t need another drink, but thank you.”
    “Oh, come on. Where’s the party? You going over his house?”
    She frowned. “First of all, what I do is none of your business. Second—” she drew an imaginary circle around her, “—you’re invading my personal space.”
    He ignored her attempt to slide off the bar stool. Instead, he leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “Do you remember what we talked about this morning?”
    She swallowed hard and her gaze fixed on his throat. “It breaks my heart to burst your ego, but I’ve had more important things to do today than think about you.”
    “Of course you have, what with baking cookies and intimate afternoon sneak-aways. What is it with you and baking sweets? Is it your way of overcompensating?” His eyes blazed with fury. “But here’s the thing, you listening? Remember I said that if I were delayed again, there would be serious consequences? I wasn’t lying. I promise you that you will not be happy with the consequences. Am I making myself clear? You can’t bake enough cupcakes to make up for this one.”
    She glared at him. “What are you talking about?”
    He arched a brow. “The little media circus this afternoon you orchestrated.”
    “I...had nothing to do with what happened this afternoon. I know you don’t believe me, but it’s the truth. I didn’t call the news station.”
    His eyes narrowed into sharp slits. “Sure you didn’t. I got to hand it to you, you sure work your magic fast.”
    “I’m sorry that happened. But like I said, I had nothing to do with it. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m leaving.”
    He drew in a long breath. “Not so fast. Don’t you want to know what the consequences are of your little game? A game that might cause me to lay off my crew?”
    Her gaze shot to his face and a queasy feeling started in her stomach.

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