Unfinished Business
    “Aw, hell.” There was no way he could deny a plea like that. He leaned down and kissed her in a way he had never kissed a woman before, full of all the passion that he felt.
    She kissed him back and just when he thought he was about to lose control she deliberately bit him. He pulled his mouth away, tasting blood from his bruised lip.
    “What the hell did you do that for?” he asked, not believing she had done such a thing, but the pain in his lips was proof that she had.
    She glared at him. “Because you lied to me, that’s why. You broke your promise!”
    He sighed deeply. Yes, this was the aggressive and violent behavior he had hoped to avoid. He continued to pin her down in the bed. “You will behave or I will continue to hold you down like this.”
    She glared up at him. “Make love to me.”
    Alex growled deeply. “No.”
    She growled back. “Do it!”
    Shaking his head, he tried not to stare at her full and firm breasts as he held her arms over her head and manacled her wrists with one hand while using his other hand to search under the covers for her missing articles of clothing. He found her slip and proceeded to hold her down to tug it over her head. It wasn’t an easy task, since she was determined to struggle against him all the way. He pulled her into his arms in front of him, wrapping his firm thighs across her legs to keep her immobile.
    “Now go back to sleep,” he said. He could feel his lip swelling and knew he would have a beauty of a bruise tomorrow.
    “No!” Then she smiled sweetly up at him. “Kiss me again.”
    He glared at her. “Not on your life. Now go back to sleep.”
    “Make love to me, Alex. Please.”
    He glanced down into large dark brown eyes that were staring at him after she made such a desperate plea. “No,” he said softly. “Go to sleep, Christy.”
    A pout formed on her lips, but she cuddled closer into his arms as he held her, and moments later he could tell that she had drifted back off to sleep.
    Knowing the risk of temptation if he stayed in bed with her warm, barely covered soft body snuggled so intimately to his, Alex eased out of bed. He studied her as he put his jeans and shirt back on. She was sleeping with a peaceful and contented look on her face. He didn’t want to think what would have happened tonight if he had not been there. He hated that men such as Kevin existed and hoped after tonight the man would think twice before doing something like this to another woman.
    Alex sighed, settled back into the recliner and picked up “The Patterson Report” and continued reading.




      Christy slowly opened her eyes, wondering why her eyelids felt heavy, why her throat was dry, and why her body was aching so badly. She forced her gaze to move when it seemed that her body couldn’t, and relaxed when she saw that she was in her room, her bed. But for the life of her she couldn’t recall how she had gotten there. In fact, she was having problems remembering much of anything.
    She closed her eyes, wondering what was wrong with her. She opened them again and forced them to move to the side and gasped when they collided with Alex’s deep, dark penetrating gaze. “What are you doing here?” She forced out the words in a hushed yet shocked voice.
    For a brief silent moment he continued to look at her, hold her gaze. There was a dark shadow under his chin that meant he needed to shave. She had never seen him first thing in the morning, and maybe it was a good thing she never had. She didn’t think that any man could look so sexy this early. Even needing a shave, Alex was the closest thing to male perfection she’d ever seen.
    “How do you feel?” he asked.
    His question pulled her thoughts back to the situation at hand. She slowly eased up in bed, clutching the bedcovers securely around her. “What are you doing here?” she said again, determined to get answers. The last thing she

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