Unfinished Business
violent behavior if the person didn’t get the sexual fix she needed. When Alex thought about what the night held in store for Christy, he had a good mind to go back to the club and kick Kevin’s ass all over again.
    “You don’t know what you’re saying, Christy.”
    “I do know what I’m saying.”
    He shook his head, already detecting aggressive behavior. He knew for now the best thing to do was go along with her . . . at least let her think he was doing so. “And I want you, too, baby, but wanting each other won’t do us any good if we’re dead. I need you to behave and let me drive you home safely. Then after I get you home I’m going to take care of you.”
    She reached out and placed a hand on his thigh and started rubbing it. The eyes looking into his were filled with hope, excitement, and anticipation. “Promise?”
    He removed her hand when it began inching toward his crotch, and placed it in her lap. “Yes, Christy, I promise.”
    She didn’t have to know that his idea of taking care of her was getting her tucked into bed and hoping she slept off the effects of the drug, although he knew that was a lot to hope for.
    However, apparently she believed his promise, because for the rest of the ride to her house she stayed in her seat and behaved. It was a Friday night and it was late. In a way, that was a blessing, since it seemed none of the residents in her particular apartment building was out and about. Parking the car, he quickly went around to the passenger side, and after opening the door he gathered her into his arms.
    “Don’t forget your promise, Alex,” she reminded him softly when he reached her door.
    He glanced down at her while trying to fish her keys out of her purse. “I won’t.”
    Once inside her apartment he quickly turned on the lights in the living room before heading straight to her bedroom. The first thing he needed to do was ply her with coffee.
    He placed her gently on the bed and then he looked at her. No woman, under the influence or not, had a right to look this sensual, this mouthwateringly sexy. He tried ignoring that look as he began taking off her shoes. “I want you to strip down to your slip, then get into bed, Christy. Can you manage to do that?”
    “No. If you want me you’re g-going to have t-to undress me you-yourself, Alex. I don’t think I can do it.”
    He cursed. Her speech was getting even more slurred and it was apparent she was losing coordination. “OK, I’ll undress you.”
    Like a docile child she stood, leaning against the bedpost for support, as he knelt and reached under her skirt to remove her panty hose from her body. Beads of sweat formed on Alex’s forehead and his breathing was becoming irregular when her heated scent inflamed his nostrils.
    Once the panty hose were removed, he gently unfastened her skirt and tugged it down her hips. Next he removed her blouse, which left her in a very thin slip, her bra, and panties. “Now please get under the covers,” he said in a voice that trembled so much he could feel it.
    She looked at him. “But what about the rest of my clothes?”
    “I’ll take them off later,” he lied.
    “All right. Now aren’t you going to take off your clothes, too?”
    “Not yet. I want you in the bed, and I’ll be back.”
    He pushed back the bedcovers and watched as she slipped between the sheets. Then he quickly left the room to go into the kitchen to get the coffee started. He checked his watch. The major effects of ketamine were known to kick in at least two and a half hours after a person had received the initial dose. What Christy was now experiencing was the prelude, which was mild in comparison to the real thing. He just hoped he could handle an oversexed version of Christy.
    Deciding he needed to check on her, he left the kitchen and quickly returned to the bedroom. He stood in the doorway and smiled. Christy was still nestled under the covers, and it appeared she had drifted off to sleep. He let out a

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