up well-done. It would require waiting for another shipment of Hypnovam. But he didn’t want to see her die at the Master’s fangs. She had a spark, a fire in her that was about more than just her elemental ability. The fight he saw in her eyes needed to live on. The courageous fire-starter needed to live and breed more vamps like her, if vampires were to have a chance of surviving people like him and his master.
Derek’s head fell to the blood blackened stone beneath him. She had been shot. She took the Master’s prize from the back of the van and took off. He had seen it and so had Darren. Darren pulled his gun and Derek knew he would hit his target. Darren was an ex-Wrath leader and a sharpshooter. He wrestled with Darren for the gun, saying it would be stupid to take the chance of hitting the prize, but Darren wanted his mate back. The man had been slowly going crazy with the need to possess his mate. He knew she was out there with another male, and every day was torture for him. He lived in a hell of his own making.
They struggled for the gun and just as Derek lifted his head, a fireball came roaring through the night to ignite the van fifty yards behind them. It had been magnificent. She was breathtaking, until Darren stood, braced his feet, and put two bullets in her back. He didn’t know if she had survived, but when he got out of that pit, and he would eventually get out, he would find her. He had to know if the fire in her eyes survived. A foreign sensation twisted in his gut and he didn’t like it. He couldn’t allow himself to care. She wouldn’t thank him for it. She wouldn’t care for the bastard mongrel son of human woman.
The ceiling above the bed Dani woke up in was, unfortunately, very familiar. She was really sick of coming to consciousness in the damn infirmary at the Enclave. How many times can one person end up there before the wing gets renamed in their honor? Seriously, it should be called The Danielle Vaughn Center for the Constantly Unconscious and Terminally Stupid .
How the hell had she gotten into this situation again? After forcibly being turned into a full-blooded vampire by her trusted guard, Darren, and the Rogue, the only benefits had been that she believed her life with Chase would be easier for him because he wouldn’t live with the stigma of a half-human mate. Also she had retained most of her power. They realized the hard way when the Rogue tried to drain her of her extrasensory vampire abilities and failed, that her power was rooted in her humanity. Now that the humanity was gone she had lulled herself into believing she was safe. The Rogue didn’t have the ability to absorb human power. She hadn’t even really thought of Darren as a continued threat until it was too late.
Dani’s mother was human, but she was also a powerful psychic. Tessa had dreams that were actually premonitions. The dreams she had could be changed if the person’s path changed, but usually Tessa was very accurate. Dani had inherited power from her mom that wasn’t known until she came of age as a vampire. That was when the shit had hit the proverbial fan.
Dani realized that her mind was wandering and wondered how long she’d been out. Movement caught her attention and shifted her gaze from the familiar cracks in the plaster above her to the bottom of her bed. The sight that greeted her had her heart thudding instantly. Chase and Cayden stood facing off as if a battle would break out at any moment. Shit!
They had been best friends until Dani came between them, a fact that still weighed heavily on her heart. When she couldn’t have the man she wanted, Dani had turned to another guy for comfort and distraction. Cayden gladly stepped into the role of her main distraction with full knowledge of her feelings for Chase. The logical excuse he’d given was that Chase was engaged to be bonded to another girl and therefore had no right or reason to be angry with him. He believed Chase would
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