Universe Online - Enter the Game: Complete Edition
come across.  I also realized that if I have to fix complex, multi-system machines, things would require even more work.
    I also figured that I should try to 'learn' and 'understand' as much about everything I can.  I even add those Aspects to my Movement ones I'd chosen earlier, just to see if anything could come from it.
    Assembly tied with Repair, Processing, Crafting, Upgrade, Strength, Resistance, Versatility and Durability will provide bonuses to any sort of Manufacturing I have to do.
    There's a whole Manufacturing Aptitude list, but I basically ignore it for now.  It is all tied to specific things, like Ship Building and Weapon Manufacturing.  I can do the same work with Assembly, but it’s more like 'scrap' weapons and whatnot.
    But I can learn as I go, so there's no real issue there.
    All of that put me at 9000 Creation Points remaining, though.
    There is another branch of Aptitudes I am interested in, and that is Psionics.
    Who wouldn't want to be able to control things with their mind, eh?
    I only buy two of those listed, in order to preserve my remaining points.  Telekinesis and Energy Manipulation Aptitudes.  Telekinesis cost me a whole 1000 CP while Energy Manipulation was only 400 CP.  I went ahead and plugged both of them into Innate Control before going to look through the Aspects that could be used with them.
    Grab, Pull, Push, Place, Use, Rotate, Shield, Boost, Expand, Contract (noun and verb in one).  With those I'm basically done with the Aptitudes and Aspects I want or suspect that I need.  I may have missed a few, but I can always gain them the hard way in-game.
    I quickly make the webs for Telekinesis and Energy Manipulation.  With them I can move objects around a fairly decent radius and create and control psionic shields.  I even tie in the learning, understanding, upgrade, strength, resistance, versatility and durability Aspects to the Shield Aspect.  Trying it out, I'm staggered at its massive strength and the hit it takes on my Psi total.  200 Psi/sec.
    I end up grabbing the Reduction, Stability, Efficiency and Maximize Aspects and quickly re-draw the Shield Web I'd created, linking them in a long chain before adding the boosting Aspects.
    The retry is much more manageable, at only 50 Psi/sec.  It still is a big draw for my rather small pool.  Most users wouldn't be able to hold it for more than a couple of seconds with their starting stats.
Creation Points Remaining
    Oh!  I was about to start dumping CP into my Stats when I realized I had forgotten something.
    Survival Aptitudes!
    Damnit.  How could I have forgotten that?  I'm going to need to be able to eat, breath, and sleep while I'm on my own!  The starting weeks worth of supplies aren't going to last me if I'm not able to replenish them myself.
    I could almost kick myself at the slip-up.
    Hm.  Let's see.
    Radiation Resistance Aptitude, Scavenging Aptitude, Searching Aptitude, Agriculture Aptitude, Aeroponics Aptitude, Aquaponics Aptitude, Cooking Aptitude...  The list is quite long, and I end up gritting my teeth.  Damn.
    Most of them cost only 200 CP, but likewise the bonuses they provide are not that great; and to get the most out of them I'd have to plug them into my Innate Control Aptitude, and its own Size is limited.  Plus I have to find the Aspects that can be used with the ones I choose.
    But survival comes first.
    So I grab the Radiation Resistance for 400 CP, Scavenging Aptitude for 200 CP, Searching Aptitude for 200 CP, Aquaponics Aptitude for 200 CP, Growing Aptitude for 100 CP and the Cooking Aptitude for 100 CP.
    For the Aspects, I keep it to the minimum.  I don't grab anything specific for the Radiation Resistance, and instead grab Range, Grow, Harvesting, Water, Air, Earth, Basic, Filling, Fast and Light Aspects.  Then I go back and grab Determination and Sight Aspects when I spot them before

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