Take the High-G Aspect for instance. It provides a bonus to resisting High Gravity environments, which includes moving, hauling, and simply resisting the physical pressure. But 1% is not a very big bonus.
But by connecting it to the Flexibility Aptitude, which is in turn connected to the Movement Speed and Movement Aptitudes, it receives their added bonuses when the Aspect is activated.
So the High-G Aspect gains its natural 1% plus 5% movement, 5% speed, 2% flexibility, -12% stamina usage, -2% fall damage, and -5% collision damage bonus.
Fully connected in such a manner, it looks like this:
High Gravity Aspect
+13% Resistance
-7% Damages
-12% Stamina Usage
From there, I can connect some of the other Aspects to the High-G one. Falling, Climbing, Parkour and Obstacles. It becomes a web all connected by to the High-G Aspect, which in turn is connected to its controlling Aptitude, and its higher/lower connections.
What's more, the Aspects aren't actually used up when you create such a connection. You can use them how many other times you want. It’s like creating a Skill Chain in other games.
I go ahead and hook up the other three Gravity based Aspects to the Flexibility Aptitude, which is its maximum, and then create their own Aspect Webs to each of the Gravities.
Zero-G is connected to Flying, Gliding, Climbing, Obstacles, and Parkour.
Low-G ends up with Gliding, Climbing, Falling, Obstacles, and Parkour.
Normal-G ends up with them like that as well, except without Gliding. While I could have added it, I don't have wings, so it would basically be useless.
I'm not even going to bother grabbing the Walking and Running Aspects right now. Those should be some of the first ones I earn in-game, and won't be very useful when starting out anyway.
I do go ahead and grab the Hauling, Carrying and Capacity Aspects. Hauling and Carrying are self explanatory, but Capacity works in a variety of ways. Its an adjective that can be connected to a bunch of things, after all.
Creation Points Remaining
I do want to be able to move freely even when pulling around or carrying things; so I go ahead and connect them up to all four of the Gravity Aspects.
To say that I love this system is an understatement. The sheer amount of freedom and options is mind boggling. You also have to actually think about it in order to get the best usage out of it.
I spend the next hour fleshing out my character, and even browse through the Traits which are available. Some of them even catch my eye. Unlike Aptitudes or Aspects, they provide a flat boost and cannot be connected to anything in the Aspect Web.
In the end I only buy three of them for 800 CP total.
Trait - Mental Fortitude
Creation Points Cost
Your mentality is formidable!
Mental Exhaustion -20%
Psi Regeneration +20%
Trait - Fast Learner
Creation Points Cost
You learn very fast!
Mental Attribute Training +10%
Aptitude and Aspect Learning +10%
Trait - Regeneration
Creation Points Cost
You heal quickly!
Health Regeneration +20%
I find that the Traits appear as small balls floating around in the center circle of the Aspect Web, shining slightly like stars in the background. I can click on them though to pull up their information.
Just to say, I ended up going with something similar to the Engineer's preset I used before during the Beta Test.
I end up taking the Mechanical Aptitude (Technology) for 400 CP, Electrical Aptitude (Technology) for 300 CP, Software and Hardware Aptitudes for 200 each and Assembly for 600 CP.
For the Aspects I purchase Repair, Scavenge, Reading, Writing, Crafting, Processing, Upgrade, Wiring, Understanding, Identification, Learning, Resistance, Strength, Versatility and Durability.
I spent quite a lot of time looking for Aspects that might prove useful in both crafting, fixing, and maintaining any tech I
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