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Book: Unleashed by Jami Alden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jami Alden
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance
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as a member of the gardening crew. He’d managed to get into her garage and put a tracking device on her car.
    Not that they needed it. If the last few days were any indication, Caroline didn’t get out much. She left briefly one afternoon when a cleaning crew arrived. They’d tailed her to a coffee shop where she’d sipped a cappuccino and pretended not to notice the speculative stares and whispers as the other patrons recognized her. She didn’t lead the trophy wife life he’d imagined. No long lunches with friends. No leisurely afternoons at the spa.
    The Caroline he’d known had been outgoing, social, the kind of woman who made a new friend everywhere she went.
    Now it seemed she was a virtual shut-in.
    Danny shoved aside the involuntary tug of sympathy. Caroline had made her choice when she married a much older, wealthy man. If that left her with few friends to rally around her while the DA built his case against her, that was her own damn problem.
    Other than the cleaning crew, her only visitor was a young, pretty redhead who showed up with a little boy in tow and stayed for several hours. Danny knew the young woman was Caroline’s stepdaughter, Kate, and the little boy her son, Michael. Evidently Kate had had no issue with her father marrying a woman who was closer to her own age than to her father’s. Not only did Kate visit two of the four days Danny and Moreno watched the house, she’d been all over the press voicing her support for Caroline. In one of her more memorable quotes she’d said, “Only a complete retard would believe Caroline was capable of killing my father.”
    Despite her homebody ways that made it difficult for Danny to get a good look around and bug her house, she had one regularly scheduled outing they could count on. One they would have missed had Danny not idly checked the tracking device a few days ago before his morning run. Everyday for the past three days Caroline left the house at five-thirty a.m. and went to the Piedmont Hills Fitness Club, where she worked out with a private trainer for at least an hour. She didn’t arrive back home until at least seven-thirty or eight, leaving Danny plenty of time to get inside and look around.
    He stood on the side of the house that faced the neighbor who didn’t have any motion detector lights on his house—he’d already disabled Caroline’s switch yesterday. It was the kind of neighborhood where the houses were big but the lots were small, leaving a narrow gap that provided plenty of shadows for concealment.
    He caught a glimpse of Caroline as she backed the silver Mercedes out of the garage. Her dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail, her face pale and strained in the glow of the streetlamps. Nothing like the siren in black who’d shown up at the church nearly a week ago.
    But still pretty enough to make him feel like he’d been kicked in the chest.
    Danny shoved the thought aside. He needed to stay focused. The last thing he needed was to fuck up because he was distracted and end up with the cops all over the place. Caroline pulled into the street and paused a second as she reached up to press the garage door control. Like most people, she drove off without bothering to see if it closed.
    Or to make sure no one used the opportunity to sneak into her garage.
    Crouching down, Danny ran the few steps to the garage and slid under the door before it fully closed. In the back right corner was the door that led to the house. He held a flashlight between his teeth as he quickly overrode the alarm. Next he picked the deadbolt, going smooth and slow. If anyone ever cared to look, they’d never find evidence the lock had been tampered with.
    “I’m in,” he whispered into his collar where his mouthpiece was clipped.
    “I’ll let you know if anyone approaches, sir.”
    Danny rolled his eyes at the formality. Back at the office or out at the bars, Moreno called him Danny or dickhead or whatever the hell he wanted. But when they were on

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