Urban Climber 2

Urban Climber 2 by S.V. Hunter Page A

Book: Urban Climber 2 by S.V. Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.V. Hunter
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death stares. I’m lining up to be the next trophy wife of the century. And I’m not even excited. Not even a little. Trapped? Sure. Confused? You betcha. But excited? I don’t even know what that feels like anymore.
    Shit. Now the phone in his car is ringing, but I don’t know how to pick up. My car didn’t even have a CD player in it, let alone Bluetooth, sensors, Wi-Fi, and leather seats that automatically heat up if it’s cold out. In my submarine, it was a great day if I could get the driver’s window to roll up and stay up. Thinking about it, it’s a wonder it wasn’t stolen. Then again, I guess no one wants an old, clapped-out bomb. Especially one covered in daisies.
    “Hello?” I sob, pressing every button on the dash. “Who’s there? Hello? How do I pick up this stupid phone?”
    “You have, darling. Calm down. It’s me,” he laughs.
    “Oh,” I sigh. “Hey, Hugo.”
    “What happened? Are you okay? Jesus. Please tell me you haven’t crashed the car. Do you know how much it’s worth?”
    “I’m okay, Hugo,” I sniff, wiping my nose with the back of my hand. “No, I haven’t been in a crash. The car is fine.”
    “Then why are you crying?”
    “I had a tough day, that’s all.”
    “Did you go to class?”
    “Yes, I couldn’t miss any more lectures. It was freaking me out too much.”
    “But what about your face?”
    “I covered it.”
    “I told you not to go out until you had healed completely. Do you know how your face makes me look?”
    “Don’t worry; hardly anyone noticed.”
    “So someone did?”
    “It doesn’t matter.”
    “You saw him again, didn’t you?”
    “Hugo, he’s in my class. What do you expect me to do?”
    “Don’t talk to him. You hear me? I don’t want you going near the guy.”
    “I know, and I’m sorry. Today was the first time I’ve seen him since …”
    “Since when? Since you fucked him?”
    “Please, Hugo. Don’t get upset. I made a mistake, just as you did. There’s no need to get worked up about it.”
    “You’re right, doll. That was wrong, and I know I shouldn’t have done what I did to you. The way I reacted was unforgivable. But the thought of losing you turns my head into a spin. My wires get all into a jumble—do you understand what I mean?”
    I frown, picturing my monkey. “Yes, I know what you mean.”
    “Anyway, you’ll be pleased to hear I’ve made an appointment to see the psychologist.”
    “Dr. Melnick.”
    “My Dr. Melnick?”
    “Well, she helped you, didn’t she? I thought she could help me too.”
    “I didn’t think you were going to go through with it.”
    “After the way I reacted, it’s very clear that I need to see someone. I’m serious about our relationship, and I’m very serious about you. I’ll do all I can to be a better man.”
    “Thank you,” I sniffle, my eyes filling with tears. “Thank you, baby.”
    “And I called the bank; everything is sorted. You don’t have to worry about a thing. Your parents will be looked after.”
    “Oh, Hugo,” I whisper. “I can’t thank you enough.”
    “Do you forgive me?”
    “I wish you were here, baby.”
    “Same,” I sniff. “I don’t even know why I wanted to come back now.”
    “Why? What’s wrong?”
    “Oh well, Mel has just been distant ever since I got back, and I came here to get away from you, so now that we’re back together, what’s the point of me being here?”
    “You tell me.” He laughs. “You know I wanted you to come back with me. And so do your parents. They miss you dreadfully.”
    “It’s just I hate moving, Hugo.”
    “Yeah, I know. You’ve done enough of that to last you a lifetime. I get it. But if you change your mind, you just call me, and I’ll send the jet for you.”
    “Thanks, but you don’t have to do

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