vampires of san francisco 08 - merry sucking christmas

vampires of san francisco 08 - merry sucking christmas by Jessica McBrayer Page B

Book: vampires of san francisco 08 - merry sucking christmas by Jessica McBrayer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica McBrayer
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    “Pooksie, mine is broken,” Celine whines again interrupting me and dad. Dad actually rolls his eyes before turning to Celine.
    “Just hold onto it for now, Ce-Ce.” Dad sighs but quickly puts on a smile for Finn.
    “She’s starting to have some telekinesis and levitate. It causes problems with Finn. If he takes something of hers she brings it back to herself or if she wants something of her brothers she just flies it over. Of course then Finn makes it appear in his hands again. I’ve watched them fight back and forth forever before one gets frustrated and knocks the other over.” I chuckle and Dad’s face lights up.
    “Splendid, splendid. Very talented children. Of course they would be.”
    “It’s truly my greatest pleasure watching them grow,” I say.
    “Son, please talk to Hannah. I meant her no harm and I mean her no harm now. Your mom was quite the piece of work. She wasn’t always like that, you know. I know it’s wrong to talk about the dead but it was getting hard to deal with all her ugly.”
    I’m shocked. I’ve never heard my father be so honest. As much as I don’t want to be happy my mother is gone, I can’t help but see it’s been a good thing for us all. If he hadn’t married Celine maybe we could actually have had a nice Christmas.
    “I’ll talk to Hannah, Dad. We are all going to be together a lot the next few days. I think she was mostly shocked yesterday and she is fiercely protective of the babies.”
    “I understand. We did her a great injustice. She seems to be a fine mother.”
    “She is.” We’re interrupted by quacking and see that everyone is ready to go.
    The tour takes off and soon we are whisking around San Francisco. Through Chinatown and past Ghiradelli Square. Dad is taking lots of photos and he and the twins are competing with each other over who can quack the most. It warms my heart. I look over at Celine and see her eyeing my children with malice. I’m going to end up accidently knocking her into the Bay, I swear.
    After the tour I take Celine and Dad to a little place in Sausalito for a seafood lunch. I’ve packed the twins blood bottles that are opaque and encourage them to eat some seafood too. They’re not sure they like it. We want to provide them with a wide range of foods to try. Dad keeps feeding Fiona shrimp. She watches anxiously as he peels them for her. I think she likes the legs the most.
    Celine is pouting. She obviously doesn’t like the attention being kept from her. She is playing with her food and phone, ignoring us. So rude.
    Hannah should be up by now and on her way to the mission to help prepare dinner with Lily and family. I am actually a little disappointed that I can’t join them. I love the whole extended family. We don’t spend enough time with everybody in attendance.
    “Diel, this is the best seafood that I’ve ever had. Thank you, son. I think I could use a nap, though. Your old man is getting soft. Think we could head back after lunch?”
    “Of course, Dad. I could drop you guys off at Sebastian’s and still go and help everyone at the mission. Since I’m the only one that actually eats food, I think I should be there to supervise,” I say and laugh. Dad laughs back.
    “Never thought I’d see the day when a nest of vampires cook for the homeless. Your friends are truly unusual.”
    “That they are.”
    “I want to go shopping, Pooksie. You can have your nap later.” Celine is in full pout mode.
    “How about I take you both to Lily and Sebastian’s and then Annie or Sacha can take Celine shopping? I know they are both home right now helping to get everything ready for tonight.”
    Celine does not look happy but Dad does. That’s all I need. I pay the bill and make a discreet phone call to Hannah.
    “Hey, babe. Everything’s fine. Dad wants to take a nap but Celine wants to shop. Do you think Sacha or Annie will take her?”
    “I don’t know, Diel. That’s asking a lot. I hate to make the girls feel

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