
Vampirium by Joe Dever Page A

Book: Vampirium by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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while the rains continue unabated. Gildas wakes you shortly after dawn, and you are relieved to discover that the rain has stopped.
    You set off across the hills and, during your trek, you discard your plains-herder robes for they offer you little protection. At noon you halt to prepare a meal of roots and wild vegetables. While you are eating, you resolve to attempt to cross the River Heng and enter the friendly realm of Chai. You will then make your way to the city of Pensei, and try to contact the Dessian envoy — Lord Ghadra.
    Despite difficult terrain you make very good progress. You leave the Honah Hills and enter the dark pines of the Angfeng Forest, covering 30 miles by sunset. As darkness casts its black shroud upon this untamed land, you stop to set up camp for the night on the fringe of a cold marsh. The night sky is clear, and before you settle down to sleep, you take time to observe the stars.
    If you possess Astrology, turn to 257 .
    If you do not, turn to 155 .

    The impact of your spell splits the cannon's pressure cylinder and it erupts like a geyser, spraying the Bhanarians with deadly pieces of jagged shrapnel. Those who are not felled instantly by the force of the explosion are blinded and blistered by jets of scalding steam.
    Turn to 47 .

    You recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and point the index finger of your right hand at the keyhole. A tingling sensation runs the length of your arm, and then a crackling bolt of blue energy leaps from your fingertip and tears open the iron lockplate. The doors to the stables shudder and then fly open amid a cloud of smoke.
    Turn to 152 .

    You leap from the wagon to land upon the flagstoned ground. Gildas signals to you from the shadows of a doorway and quickly you scurry towards him and his men.
    The doorway is blocked by a stout iron portal, but when you try its handle, you discover that it is unlocked. You slip inside and beckon the rangers to follow. When all of you are safely in, you close the heavy door and draw its bolt.
    To continue, turn to 11 .

    As you fall, you kick your heels hard against the wall of the ravine and propel yourself towards the slate outcrop. Your quick wits and natural agility save you, and you survive the fall unharmed. Quickly you retrieve the steel tube and tuck it into your belt. Then you climb back to the top of the ravine before you examine what the tube contains.
    Turn to 140 .

    You grab the chariot's guide rail as you thrust your right hand forwards on the glittering sphere. The sky-chariot surges forwards, and as you leave the courtyard and tower, you hear Autarch Sejanoz scream a vow that he will take vengeance upon you for the defeat you have dealt him this day.

    You steer the sky-chariot away to the east and flee towards the friendlier skies of Chai. As the wind whips your face, you feel the sweet exhilaration of victory. Yet it is tempered by the memory of the brave men you had to leave behind.
    Turn to 150 .

    You command the snake to hold its attack. The conda hesitates, and Gildas reaches for his sword. With one swift and deadly swipe, his blade decapitates the serpent and sends its fanged head spinning through the air, trailing a stream of greenish-yellow venom.
    Breathing a sigh of relief, Gildas wipes his blade on the grubby sleeve of his tunic before slipping it silently into his scabbard.
    Turn to 335 .

    As you gallop through the stables, Gildas draws level with your speeding horse. Simultaneously you unsheathe your weapons, and as you approach the closing doors, you lash out at the troopers who are attempting to bar your way. They are forced to dive aside to save themselves from your deadly blades, and you are able to pass through the narrowed exit and make good a speedy escape into the street beyond. As you gallop from the open doorway, you steer your horses to the right and then race away along a dark, cobblestoned street.
    Turn to 14 .

    You pull open the door and

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