their escape along the trail beyond.
    Turn to 220 .

    As you make the jump, the corporal's nerve breaks and he throws himself to the ground. Your horse sails across the barrier, and the rangers follow with consummate ease. The angry cries of the corporal quickly fade into the distance as you leave the bridge and follow the road into the hills beyond.
    Turn to 272 .

    The old man frowns. He does not want to lose a sale, at any price. After some thought, he says that he will accept 1 Weapon, 3 Gold Crowns, and 1 Backpack Item in exchange for the robes. 13
    You agree to the man's offer and you hand over the items he requests (remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly). Then you and your companions each take one of the loose-fitting robes and slip them on over your tunics. The thin, hooded garments are large enough to conceal your backpacks and weapons, and you are pleased to discover that they do not hamper your movement.
    Having concluded your business, you thank the old man and bid him farewell. Then you leave his tent and go to collect your horses.
    Turn to 118 .
    [13] If you lack one or more of these items, substitute other items of equal value.

    The Autarch curses your resourcefulness. He is frustrated by your continued resistance and finally his patience snaps. With a wild cry he comes stalking forwards, slashing and scything at you with his needle-claws like an angry tiger. As you duck below one sweeping attack, he catches you in the back with a lightning-fast following strike. His needle-claws become embedded in your Backpack, and it is wrenched from your back when he sends you crashing headlong against the chamber wall: lose 2 ENDURANCE points. (You must now erase everything in your Backpack.)
    To continue, turn to 94 .

    You draw upon your improved Discipline of Grand Huntmastery and focus your vision upon the advancing squad, but you cannot detect anything unusual there. It is not until you cast your eyes to the blanket of cloud above that you discover the cause of your disquiet. Hidden from plain sight, yet clear to your improved infravision, you see a host of flying creatures soaring overhead. The sight makes you swallow hard. They have lean and sinewy bodies that are studded with hundreds of spikes, and their slitted eyes emit a cold, bilious light.
    You warn the rangers of their presence and swiftly they take cover among the boulders, hiding themselves from above. Your swift action saves you from being detected by the winged beasts, but as the last of their number passes overhead, you witness something that makes your heart skip a beat.
    Turn to 296 .

    A blinding white light obliterates your vision. Then a terrifying numbness spreads rapidly from your neck to the soles of your feet, and you feel yourself tumbling forwards into a fathomless abyss.
    One of the steam-gun projectiles has pierced the back of your skull and penetrated your brain. Mercifully, your death is swift and painless.
    Sadly, your life and your mission end here, at the Crimson Tower of Zuda.

    The tavern-keeper's blast of buckshot peppers your shoulder (lose 2 ENDURANCE points) and damages one of the items in your Backpack. You must now erase the second item that you have recorded on your list of Backpack Items.
    To continue, turn to 287 .

    The old man is disappointed by your refusal to trade and he shakes his head wearily. When you ask if any Bhanarian soldiers and Xanon have passed this way, he looks at you quizzically.
    ‘Why yes!’ he says. ‘They rode by during the night. They didn't want to trade either.’
    You thank the old man and bid him good health, but before you can continue your ride, he steps in front of your horse and insists that you and your companions rest for a short while. He offers to share some bread and wine with you.
    If you wish to accept the old man's hospitality, turn to 258 .
    If you choose to decline his offer of refreshments, turn to 343 .

    You manage to sleep for a few hours

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