through. I recognized it as everyone else did, and I heard everyone cheer and begin to dance to “When the Saints Go Marching In”. I listened to the song and the muted laughter as I felt the life slowly drain from my body with every pull she took.

Chapter Eight
    “Stop that now, Lea.”
    I heard the bell-like voice, but the reality of who owned that voice wasn’t clear until I felt the sudden relief from the numbing stab in my neck. Suddenly, I could move again, and I was alive, alert and being thrown off to the side.
    I hit the cobblestones on my side with a hard thud and instantly grabbed for my neck. Blood was still oozing from it, and the reality of the attack was made all the more clear when I looked up to see Anna with her tiny white hand gripped tightly around the dark girl’s neck. The girl kept grasping for Anna’s arms in an attempt to free herself, but Anna seemed to have the upper hand.
    I remembered how strong the girl had been when I had tried to struggle, and I was all the more confused to see Anna holding her own against her. She seemed so small, especially compared to the wildcat she was wrestling. The girl’s eyes were still that horrible black, and she bared her fangs and growled with the struggle at Anna. Much to my horror, Anna’s gorgeous blue eyes were now black as well, and when she parted her lips, I could see she had her own set of fangs that sparkled white beneath the red lipstick. It wasn’t until she emitted her own low growl in response that I truly got scared and inched backwards a little on the ground. Neither girl noticed me.
    “You know the rules. We agreed to them, Lea.”
    “What’s it to you if I drain this blood bag?”
    The strange thing was that even though Anna had a good grip on the Lea girl’s neck, she must not have been squeezing very hard because the wildcat seemed to be able to speak without choking or gasping for air.
    “You know the rules. We agreed, and this one has done nothing wrong.”
    “Maybe, maybe not. You don’t know his past. Or do you?”
    Lea broke free then and punched Anna in the face. She barely winced and retaliated with a hard kick to Lea’s stomach. They struggled again as Lea tried to make a break for it only to have Anna catch her hands and pin her against the wall with an impact that would have knocked the breath out of anyone else.
    “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    “I figured he must be your little pet with how he fawned over you, looking all doe-eyed and lost.”
    “I just met him tonight, but he’s done nothing wrong.”
    “So why were you following me then, Anna? You were tailing me. I saw it, and then this lost puppy came searching for you, so I figured he belonged to you. What? You don’t want to share?”
    “You know it’s not like that.”
    They struggled again as Lea tried to break free and almost did, but Anna held her up against the wall. I could tell this was beginning to take a lot of effort to hold her in place, and the impossibly fast-paced struggles were becoming more and more frenzied to the point where their movements began to blur together.
    “Yeah, then why were you following me?”
    Anna paused for a moment, and I thought she might loosen her grip a little as she began to look thoughtfully at Lea. She seemed to be contemplating something unpleasant or difficult to express. I thought I saw her face soften, but lucky for me, Anna’s hold did not waver.
    “I need your help,” Anna said very slowly through clenched teeth. It was as if each word was a little painful for her to utter. I gasped at the thought of Anna siding with this monster for anything. What would become of me if she did?
    “What?” Lea seemed just as surprised as I did. Her black eyes looked shocked, and I thought I saw some of the amber start to return in them for a moment.
    “I need your help,” Anna repeated a little faster this time.
    Lea looked even more shocked the second time, but soon that shock changed into rage, and

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