Viking Vengeance
King of the Franks brings his army here?"
    "Then, Eystein, we fight them but I do not think they will come.  The Empire is large and it would take time to gather such an army."
    "You are not worried?"
    I laughed, "Why should I worry? I have seen nothing here which makes me think we might lose."
    Despite the heavy night of drinking my men were up early. I divided my men into four bands of fifteen and sent them out to the north of the river to raid and to plunder. The rest I retained with the Ulfheonar.  We sharpened swords and we prepared for war. The tides meant that we would leave our stronghold mid morning the following day and sail towards the Frankish castle.  We would surround it and then plan our attack. It would be a night time attack. Our presence during the day and our martial and fierce appearance would put fear into the hearts of the defenders. We had discovered that our arms and armour could win a battle for us before we had even started.
    The bands came back driving animals and carts.  The captives were tied behind them. I saw that some of the Franks had defended themselves for some of my men bore wounds but none had died.
    I was up well before dawn to prepare for the day. I ate well from the cold cooked carcass of the slaughtered cow. I drank well and then I prepared my war face. My Ulfheonar joined me and not long after dawn we were ready. We would just use the two larger drekar.  My warriors were all prepared to embark on the ships when suddenly one of the sentries shouted, "Jarl Dragonheart! There is a Frankish army! They are heading this way."
    Had Eystein predicted this? It made no matter.  We would meet them and defeat them. Luckily we were all close to our camp preparing to depart. "Form three battle lines!"
    I led my men back to the fort and then to the land before it.  We arrayed ourselves in three long ranks. They outnumbered us but we had reserves on our ships. I saw that there were twenty nobles on horses and the rest were a mixture of spearmen and farmers.  It was not the army of the King. However they did outnumber us.
    The enemy arrayed themselves before us.  If they thought to daunt us with their numbers then they failed.  My men began banging their shields and chanting my name.  Some of the younger ones left the line to bare their rear at the Franks. "Do they come to fight, Jarl?"
    "I think, Haaken, that they  came to make us flee.  They must have had spies watching us to gauge numbers and they brought enough to outnumber us."
    I watched as four of the mailed horsemen gathered to speak.  I did not recognised the banners but I suspected that they belonged to the ruler of this land. The four of them eventually detached themselves from the others.  One of them rode to fetch a slave who was being held by mailed men.  They approached to just beyond their own bow range.  Snorri and Beorn could easily hit them.  They took off their helmets, a sure sign that they wished to speak.
    "Asbjorn take charge.  Haaken, come with me and let us see what these Franks wish."
    I took off my helmet and we walked towards them. I saw that the slave was an old Viking. I recognised the tattoos he had upon his face.  He came from the land of the Norse, the land of snow and ice.
    The older of the mounted men, the one with the greybeard spoke.  The Viking nodded, "This is Grimoald son of Pepin the Great, Mayor of Neustria."
    I nodded, "Mayor?"
    "Like a Jarl or a prince."
    "Tell him that I am Jarl Dragonheart of Cyninges-tūn.  Ask him does he come to fight or to talk.  We are happy to do either."
    I saw the ghost of a smile on his face as he translated. I could see that this Grimoald did not like my answer. His voice was angry when he spoke.  The Norseman's voice was calm in contrast.  "He says you are a brigand and a bandit and he wishes you to leave this land." He glanced around and then added, "You slew his son yesterday.  He is not happy."
    "Tell him that when we have taken enough of the riches

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