Vinny: Alvarez Security Series

Vinny: Alvarez Security Series by Maryann Jordan Page B

Book: Vinny: Alvarez Security Series by Maryann Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maryann Jordan
Tags: Fiction, Romance
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possibilities. Hearing a choked sob, he turned his attention back to her.
    “Who would have done this? Someone from the airport?” she asked, tears glistening on the tips of her lashes.
    “Possibly. Someone could have stashed it in the airport in LA and then had someone else get it out in D.C. before it went to the claims section.” While that was the easiest explanation, he knew that it would have taken an organized effort to hide them inside of the harp. He knew instantly that the mission just became a lot more complicated.
    Looking around the room, he said, “Babe, I need you to get dressed and pack your things. We’re going to a different hotel.”
    She looked at him with big eyes, a confused expression on her face. “But why?”
    “If someone in the Dulles airport was supposed to get it then they know by now that you didn’t land. And if someone wants this,” he glanced over at the still open case, “and they will want it, then I don’t want us in a room under our names.”
    She licked her lips nervously, nodding her understanding. Quickly standing, she moved around the room gathering her belongings and throwing them in her suitcase.
    He watched in admiration as she moved to the task, no tears and no hysteria. And he had to admit that seeing her again in the old fashioned, cotton nightgown from another era was breathtaking. She hurried into the bathroom, emerging a few minutes later, dressed and ready to go.
    Smiling, Vinny thought, Stronger than she thinks she is. He closed up the harp case and grabbed it and her bag, ushering her into his room.
    It only took a couple more minutes for him to secure his belongings as well. A quick trip in a taxi took them to a nearby hotel where he went in and paid by cash. For just one room. As he carried her suitcase and Easnadh to the room, she carried his much lighter travel bag. Opening the door, he entered quickly checking out the space.
    “Where’s my room?” she asked, following him in.
    “This is it,” he answered. Seeing her eyes widen in surprise, he quickly explained, “I need to keep an eye on you and I sure as hell can’t let over a quarter of a million dollars worth of cocaine out of my sight.”
    Her mouth opened into an “O” and he found himself wanting to lean in and kiss the surprise right off of her delectable face.
    Before she could find an objection, he added, “And I’ve got to get the Agency on this. I need everyone here together so I can do my job and watch you too.”
    She pulled her lips in, hiding the hurt. His job. I’m his job. And now it just got a lot harder. Nodding her agreement, she went into the bathroom.
    It was one a.m. in Kansas City and three a.m. in Richland, but Tony had immediately called his team together with one phone call from Vinny. Rendezvousing at the agency they gathered around the large conference table with the live feed from Vinny’s secure computer up on the screen. Gabe and Jobe immediately showed up. Lily, one of their computer software experts, along with BJ, another computer expert and security agent in training, rounded out the crew. Lily’s husband, Matt, was a detective for the Richland Police and good friend, but he was not there. Vinny had requested that Matt and his partner, Shane, go to Annalissa’s apartment and check it out.
    Gabe was the first to speak, worry for his twin utmost in his mind. “Bro, you okay?”
    Vinny nodded and answered in the affirmative. “Just letting you all know that I’ve got Annalissa here with me. We changed hotels so that there was no trail to where we were.”
    He explained everything that had happened since meeting up with her the day before. Succinctly going through everyone they had been in contact with and all the times when the harp case had been out of their sight. “Annalissa checked it before we left for the airport and we saw it sent to claims ourselves. We picked it up in claims once everything was taken off the plane in Kansas City. So it could

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