Viridis - A Steampunk Romance
grown rather fond of each other.”
    “I’d like to speak with her if that’s possible.”
    “I’ll see if she’s here. Excuse me.” He watched
Phoebe step out of the room and it was a fair amount of time before
she finally returned. “I’m afraid, she’s not here,” she said,
biting her lip, a look of worry on her face.
    William thought her concern to be genuine. From all
he had observed, her face had a tendency to show every thought and
emotion, and he did not think her capable of telling a lie without
it being quite obvious.
    “Was she supposed to be?” William already knew the
answer. She wouldn’t be looking so worried, otherwise.
    “She was supposed to have worked the last couple of
nights. The last time anyone saw her was the night Lord Hawthorne
was murdered. I do hope she wasn’t also harmed.”
    William was touched by her genuine concern, and
tried to reassure her. “We only found Lord Hawthorne’s body, but
I’ll look into any reports that may have been filed. Could you
describe her for me? Her full name and an address would also be
helpful, if you have it.” William made a note to check the morgue,
but there was a good chance Lilly was somehow involved in the
murder or may have seen who committed the act. It could turn out to
be a decent lead.
    “You’d know Lilly if you saw her. Flame red hair, as
if the devil himself had set it on fire, and blue eyes. Not too
tall, but really quite pretty.” Phoebe got up, went to her desk and
after a bit of a search, pulled out a file. After flipping through
several pages, she jotted something down on a piece of paper.
    Phoebe handed him the note. “Her name is Lilly
Turner. She had been staying at a shelter called Genie’s Place when
she first started working here. That’s the address, however I
couldn’t tell you if it’s current or if she’s since found new
lodgings. She has a sister, Anne, who works there and may be able
to help. You will let me know if you find her?”
    William doubted there was any more information to be
had this evening, but would pay Lord Gabriel Hughes another visit
in the near future. Though the man seemed an affable sort, there
was something he was hiding. However, for now, he would try and
track down the girl and hope it would lead to more answers.
    He got up to go with a final look at all assembled
before settling his gaze on Phoebe. Digging into his pocket he
pulled out a calling card and gave it to her. “I’ll notify you if I
come across any information regarding Lilly. You’ve been a great
help. If you think of anything else, I’d appreciate it if you
contacted me.”

Chapter Eight
    “I’m worried about Lilly.” Phoebe paced the floor of
her sitting room. They had immediately left Viridis upon the
inspector’s departure to try and get a bit of food and rest. Yet,
she had barely touched her meal, and she knew sleep would not come
easily tonight.
    Seth stood and came to her side, running his hands
down her arms and effectively putting a stop to her endless circuit
of the room. “The Inspector seemed like an intelligent and
competent individual, but if it’ll make you feel better, we can go
and look for her ourselves.”
    “Finding her would help put me at ease.” Phoebe felt
partially responsible since she’d been the one to hire Lilly. The
girl would never have had any involvement with Lord Hawthorne
otherwise, and if she was now in danger, it would weigh heavily on
Phoebe’s conscience.
    She looked up into Seth’s eyes, so filled with
concern, and was helpless to stop the emotions he stirred in her.
She desperately wanted to give in and let herself be swept away in
the safety and strength of his arms—and yet she could not, knowing
their circumstances had not changed.
    Seth ran a hand down her arm, twining his fingers
with hers, and then, as if reading her mind, said, “I spoke with
Moore and Clarke. Told them the geostat was my last mission
    She shook her head no, while at the same

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