Viridis - A Steampunk Romance
as she was the only woman present. The man standing to her
right was likely her brother, as their coloring and the shape of
their eyes and mouth were too similar for there not to be a
relation. Then there was the gentleman that stood just behind her.
Though William doubted any relation, it was clear by his protective
and proprietary stance, they were close.
    “Inspector Thomas; I’m Lady Phoebe Hughes, my
brother, Lord Gabriel Hughes, and my friend, Mr. Seth Elliott.
Please, have a seat, although I’m not quite sure how I may be of
help.” Phoebe gestured to a seat by the fire, an offer of
hospitality he did not see often in his line of work. He was
surprised by her kindness, yet even more taken aback by the quick
intelligence in her eyes. Lady Phoebe Hughes did not fit the image
of the bawdy club proprietress his mind had conjured .
    She was petite in both stature and frame, with
mahogany curls that fell against porcelain skin, and eyes of a most
striking green, her gaze gentle yet direct. There was something in
her gaze that told him she had a passionate and independent spirit
that would not easily be reined in.
    Lady Hughes sat across from him on the sofa, with
Mr. Elliot by her side, her brother occupying the remaining chair
at William’s right.
    He suddenly recalled the name of the man she’d
introduced. “Mr. Seth Elliot? The brilliant tinkerer?” William had
not expected to meet a man of such repute. Seth Elliot’s designs
had revolutionized the world, his geostat and airships only a few
of his accomplishments.
    “Seth Elliott, the tinkerer, at any rate. I’m not so
sure about brilliant.” Seth reached out and shook his hand. “And an
inspector yourself at such a young age? Surely that’s an
accomplishment of no little feat.”
    William nodded his thanks at the compliment. “I’ve
had luck on my side with several cases, and you are far too
humble.” Being the son of a clerk, letters and numbers had always
been important, but William’s father saw tinkering as a waste of
time and something better left to those who had it to spare. In
many ways, William had been lucky to receive any education at all.
Few children not of birth or money ever got the opportunity to be
schooled, but his father’s father had been a clergyman, and had
thus educated his children, his own father following suit.
    He knew Mr. Elliot had also come from meager
beginnings. His father, an Englishman of modest wealth, had died
when he was a young lad, leaving his Scottish mother to take a
position as governess. As a youth, his time had been divided
between London and his mother’s clan in the Highlands. Beyond
Seth’s basic education, it was said he had devoured every book he
could gain access to, and already tinkering by the time he had
turned ten.
    This was turning into quite the interesting evening,
and not one he could have ever imagined. William pulled a notebook
pencil from his pocket and then turned his attention back to Phoebe
and his investigation.
    “I’m terribly sorry to have to bother you with this,
but I need to ask you some questions regarding one of your patrons.
I do believe he was one of your regular customers. Lord Niles
    A look of surprise crossed Lady Hughes’s face. “Lord
Hawthorne? Yes, of course, he comes here fairly often. If you’re
looking to find him, I can have one of the girls check to see if
he’s here tonight.”
    Seth put a hand over hers. “Phoebe. I don’t believe
Inspector Thomas is looking for Lord Hawthorne.” His gaze turned to
William. “Am I correct?”
    “I’m afraid so.” Despite his admiration for Mr.
Elliot, he couldn’t help but wonder if it was a detail he’d noticed
or information he already had. “Lord Hawthorne was found dead not
far from here, two nights ago. Do you by chance remember if he had
been here?”
    Lady Hughes paled considerably at the news but her
composure did not waver. “He was a sweet and kind man. He’ll be
sorely missed, to be

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