Vision of Seduction

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Book: Vision of Seduction by Cassie Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassie Ryan
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance
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    have not yet spoken to her about the triangle, and have decided not to
    mention it until she becomes comfortable with the Klatch and Tador. I
    would like to ask cooperation from everyone on this matter. It's no easy
    task to ask someone to give up their entire life."
    Alyssandra's gaze roamed the room as she made eye contact with several
    Klatch. "Now I'll open the floor for questions, but please remember, the
    decision to move forward with the triangle has already been made, and I
    won't waste time rehashing those discussions. The time for everyone to
    band together and support the decision of your chosen ruler is at hand."
    Here it comes ... The decision to move forward with the triangle had
    basically split the populace, and only because Alyssandra was queen did
    the people not openly rebel.
    Valen, the head royal chef, stood. Alyssandra recognized him and
    motioned for him to speak. "My queen, I and many other citizens have
    obvious concerns with introducing humans, even gifted humans, into the
    Klatch bloodlines. After all, the Cunts are a result of too many generations
    of dilution of our line. Might we not, with this decision, be breeding a new
    race who will seek to destroy us down the road?"

    Grayson shook his head. He would never understand which part of "I
    won't waste time rehashing those discussions" these people didn't
    understand. He glanced up at Alyssa, whose jaw was clenched.
    "Valen, as I've stated before on many occasions, the triangle has been used
    at least three times in our history that we know of." Despite Alyssandra's
    obvious displeasure, her voice was calm and commanding as it rang out
    across the chamber. "We are talking about taking human women with
    special gifts— human women who most likely have some Klatch blood in
    their distant pasts—and mating them with pureblood Klatch princes. The
    worry about diluting our bloodline will be moot if we no longer have a
    planet to live on."
    "We understand the dire nature of our circumstances, my lady, but we
    respectfully disagree with the methods of repair. Surely—"
    "Damnit, Valen!" Grayson's patience snapped like a brittle twig in a
    windstorm. He pushed to his feet, ignoring the lances of pain that shot
    down his back and shoulder. "We have talked this subject to death, and
    many of you don't seem to be listening to the answers." He stepped onto
    the dais, and Alyssandra squeezed his hand before taking a seat on the
    throne chair next to Stone, and yielding him the floor.
    "There is no other way to save Tador." Grayson tried to stare Valen down,
    but the man refused to look away. "Our best researchers have searched for
    a solution since soon after the Cunt revolt, and only through uncovering
    the treachery of the past Klatch council and breaking the spells placed on
    the journals in the queen's archives did we find out how our ancestors
    handled this situation. They persevered, and so shall we, but we must
    maintain a united front."
    Several members of the crowd nodded in support of his words, but several
    more, including Valen, only glared or shook their heads.
    "Everyone here was happy to leave the planet in Alyssandra's hands when
    Queen Annalecia was deteriorating and nearly at death's door. However,
    now that Alyssandra has ascended, you wish to second-guess her at every
    turn." Grayson made a sharp, chopping motion with his good arm.
    "Enough. Are there any questions about the Seer or the triangle itself? If
    not, there is no more business to be discussed today."
    He turned and walked off the dais, his anger and frustration burning with
    each step. A sea of voices followed him out into the hall until he slammed
    the door behind him.
    "It's a good thing I won't ever have to rule—diplomacy is definitely not my
    strong suit."
    "Well, if I have to be abducted to another planet, this isn't a bad place to be
    taken." Katelyn took a drink of the strange tea and let the odd citrusalmond flavor flow over her tongue. She placed the cup on

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