Vision of Seduction

Vision of Seduction by Cassie Ryan

Book: Vision of Seduction by Cassie Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassie Ryan
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance
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twenty-three long years. All so Sela could derail the
    ascension ceremony and punish the past queen and king—Annalecia and
    Darius—for daring to banish all the Cunts and anyone who fought with
    them during the civil war.
    Sela flipped her white-blond hair over her shoulder and looked down at
    her hands, which still looked like they did when she'd been banished—
    smooth and unblemished. She prided herself on appearing much younger
    than her forty-four years. Thanks to all the sexual energy freely available
    on this backward planet, Cunts could regenerate and minimize the effects
    of aging. Although, if Sela were on Tador, there would be no need to
    constantly resupply herself for that purpose—anyone living on Tador
    enjoyed a significantly slowed aging process.
    A low growl escaped from her throat. All her efforts so far to overthrow the
    Klatch and rule the planet that was rightfully hers had been thwarted.
    Alyssa had escaped Sela's carefully laid trap and had ascended the throne
    on Tador, restoring the planet—for now. And Sela's old nemeses, the past
    king and queen of the Klatch, had gone off to a comfortable retirement,
    while Sela and her people had been relegated to live on Earth with
    common humans.
    The Klatch were nothing but breeding stock who should serve as a sexual
    food supply for the Cunts. Even though, due to their inherent magic, the
    Klatch offered more sexual sustenance to their partners than humans.
    However, that just made the Klatch more high-powered food for the Cunts.
    No more, no less.
    Tador was rightfully Sela's, and she intended to have it—no matter what.

    She raised the vodka to her lips, anger flowing through her like a swarm of
    angry bees. "The Cunts will rule Tador, as it was meant to be. Very soon ..."
    She took a sip and then tightened her fingers around the glass until it
    shattered in her palm.
    Grayson lowered himself into a cushioned chair inside the council meeting
    chamber, wincing a bit as his back met with the chair. His shoulder had
    healed considerably after the dream he'd shared with the Seer this
    morning, but it would take either time or more sexual energy to heal it
    He had taken a seat near the raised dais—where the king and queen would
    sit once they entered—mainly because the stadium-type seating around the
    gallery wasn't as comfortable as the overstuffed chairs here on the main
    Until he'd injured his shoulder, Grayson had never realized how much he
    used those specific muscles. Now, nearly every movement speared
    shooting pains down his back and side.
    The sharp clack of a balda gavel echoed through the chamber, distracting
    him from his discomfort as the crowd around him quieted.
    King Stone and Queen Alyssandra entered through the same doorway
    Grayson had, and both cast him a smile as they stepped past him and onto
    the raised dais.
    "Thank you, council head." Alyssandra nodded to the woman who had
    been in the job less than a month. After the last council head had attempted
    to kill the queen right after the ascension, the entire council had been
    interviewed and eventually replaced with those who were loyal to the
    ruling family. Of course, seeing your predecessor turned into a burned
    husk before your eyes could really inspire a desire to do your best.

    Stone sat in one of the large thrones gracing the dais while Alyssandra
    remained standing and faced the crowd. She brushed her palms over the
    front of the gauzy white skirt she wore—an action Grayson had learned
    showed how nervous she was.
    "As many of you know, the Seer has been found and is recuperating here
    on Tador from the Cunt attack."
    Murmurs flowed through the crowd and then died away as the queen held
    up her hands for silence. "She was hit with a beam of Cunt energy during
    the attack, but otherwise appears unharmed."
    Gasps of outrage erupted from the crowd until Alyssandra waved for
    silence and tucked her hair behind her ear—another nervous gesture.

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